The twin action laser pistol in common use during the golden age of space exploration was one of the most common side arms seen from the 2100's and beyond. A common ten shot weapon capable of delivering a twin laser shot to its target even over a distance of forty yards with the weapons set to not disrupt or punch holes through the hulls of space craft. Yet, deliver a lethal set of shots to their targets.

The weapons do 1d5 + 6 points of damage per strike with some models having a +1 to damage to superior laser crystal manufacture. The pistols are usually found in twin pairs in special fusion battery recharging boxes. There is a 5% chance of this charging box being damaged and the pistols having only a limited number of charges.
These weapons have been seen in the post apocalyptic wasteland where they do 6d6 and have a range of 400/800 ft respectively. They weigh two pounds each and have a simple low yield energy cell which gives them ten shots on average.
There is speculation that these weapons are based on ancient Lemurian technology recovered from the Roswell saucer crashes of 1945 and '52 respectively. These weapons have appeared throughout time and space as well cropping up in variations well into the 24th century and a bit beyond.

These double barreled laser weapons hearken back to a far more robust and dangerous time in the annals of space exploration and adventuring. The twin action laser pistols have earned a legendary and somewhat strange reputation among collectors, adventurers, and energy weapon enthusiasts across the spectrum of time and space. They are easily worth a cool two hundred gold pieces each and four hundred for the pair. Some collectors are willing to pay 1000 to 3000 credits for certain collectible series of the Twins as they are known.
I'll bet that those collectors would pay a fine price of a matched set of silver plated guns, rumored to have belonged to a S.T.A.R. model sentry robot.
ReplyDeleteI do believe your right because there were a limited production run for the S.T.A.R. models and they were always a bit twitchy. More coming up on S.T.A.R. soon ;-). Thanks for the comment pal.
ReplyDeleteCheers Fractal!