Tuesday, February 18, 2025

OSR Commentary On Clark Ashton Smith’s “The Black Abbot of Puthuum” & Castles & Crusades rpg campagning.

" Let the grape yield for us its purple flame, And rosy love put off its maidenhood:

"By blackening moons, in lands without a name,
We slew the Incubus and all his brood.
     -- Song of King Hoaraph's Bowmen"


Cover page spread of Clark Ashton Smith’s “The Black Abbot of Puthuum” as it appeared in Weird Tales March 1936.

"Zobal the archer and Cushara the pikebearer had poured many a libation to their friendship in the sanguine liquors of Yoros and the blood of the kingdom's enemies. In that long and lusty amity, broken only by such passing quarrels as concerned the division of a wine-skin or the apportioning of a wench, they had served amid the soldiery of King Hoaraph for a strenuous decade. "

 Clark Ashton Smith’s “The Black Abbot of Puthuum” is a classic yarn of Sword & Sorcery. There are a few incredible details that it classic for use in old school or Sword & Sorcery OSR play. Let's get the story's history outta of the way; "According to Emperor of Dreams: A Clark Ashton Smith Bibliography (1978) by Donald Sidney-Fryer, "The Black Abbot of Puthuum" was first published in the March 1936 issue of Weird Tales. It was included in the books Genius Loci and Other Tales (1948) and Zothique (1970)."

This blog entry picks right up from the Zothique play report on the blog here. 

 The plot is comes straight from the 'The Black Abbot of Putluum wiki entry; "In Yoros, Zobal the archer and Cushara the pike-bearer are assigned by king Hoaraph to retrieve the maiden Rubalsa from Izdrel for the king's harem. They are accompanied by the eunuch Simban." 
Spoilers ahead, first of all you've got the mysterious 
Black Abbot of Puthuum which in our own campaign has relocated to the capital because of the infestation of lamia and demons. You've got  Ujuk, who is an abbot for the monastery Puthuum & invites the adventurers to a feast. The Zobal the archer and Cushara the pike-bearer remain skeptical to say the least. Ujuk is the spawn of a lamia and then there's the benevolent mummy of the former monk Uldor. And at the story's conclusion the ruins of the Abbot of Puthuum are still there on Zothique. And these ruins  are  still lamia and demon haunted! Sure they disappeared but we get no confirmation that they were destoryed! 

 The Abbot of Putluum could well be a repository of ancient wisdom and occult knowledge. And this might be the deciding factor for adventurers to seek it out. 
Zothique is demon haunted and lamia are nasty. They are masters of illusion and magic. The fact that they are haunting Putluum says that there are other people living in the area. The lamia have been breeding and bringing hybrid humanoids in the area. These lamia hybrids secure others as a food source. Here's another reason for adventurers to journey to  Putluum. For the  Castles & Crusades rpg this story presents a great bridge point for an encounter with demons or lamia on Zothique. The ruins of the abbot are waiting for PC's. According to the wiki entry on 'The Black Abbot of Puthuum; "In the 1988 book Fantasy: The 100 Best Books, James Cawthorn and Michael Moorcock noted the stories "Necromancy in Naat", "The Witchcraft of Ulua
", and "The Black Abbot of Puthuum" on the theme of love and lust." These themes are perfect framing an adventure using C&C's Tome of the Unclean. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Review & OSR Commentary For Castles & Crusades Rpg - Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing By Brian Young From Troll Lord Games

 "(2nd printing -- substantially updated and added to from 1st) The Celts dwelt in a world wholly separate from our own - of stone cromlech, wicker men, dark fey and wild gods. In their world, ancient trees bore the wisdom of time, and the world was alive with spirits. They possessed a language of such haunting beauty that its echoes stir memories within us of a people we once were. The Codex Celtarum delves into the myths of the Celtic peoples, the powers of the world around them, the monsters that hunted them, and the gods that watched over them.

Within the Codex Celtarum lies a wealth of information; gaming material that blows new life into the world of the fey, the druid, the ranger and all characters whose travels carry them through the wooded hills, broken crags and dark forests of our primeval imaginings."

When it comes to Castles & Crusades, a book by Brian Young is pretty much an automatic pick up for me as a DM. 'Castles & Crusades Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing' isn't any exceptions & when it comes to this book its for a solid reason. Originally the  Castles & Crusades Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing kickstarter passed me by. But luckly we were able to get in on the action for this book. So what's different about this book then the original edition? Pretty much just about everything:
  1. 'Castles & Crusades Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing'  has expanded PC options,monsters, & spells. 
  2. Beyond most people's awareness there's lots of expanded adventure options on the table top. 
  3. The artwork is very well done & so is the cartography. 
  4. The role of the Celtic spiritual, supernatural, & even realms of the gods have been expanded upon in the form of the mythological spirit realms. 
  5. Lots more artwork in between the pages. .
  6. The role of the Druid & other traditional Dungeons & Dragons classes has been expanded with the Celtic framework of 'The Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing'. 
The role of the Fey expands across the world of Celtic myth & its done right. The Fey are done right! They carry lots of opportunity for adventure. Not only that but this book is incredibly useful for a the Amazing Adventure rpg & even the Victorious rpg by Mike Stewart. 

'Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing'  is nice in  how modular the book is for campaign & adventure design. The overall book speaks volumes for a campaign that utilizes a Celtic or Druidic theme as its base. For example the 'Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing' is a perfect book to use for an Arthurian themed campaign. The material fits the mythos so well that it blend in perfectly. 

For a classic Advanced Dungeons & Dragons campaign such as Greyhawk, 'Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing' could add in an extra layer of material. This is  especially true if the dungeon master is using Castles & Crusades as his or her base system. 

The Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing gives Greyhawk a much more Celtic mythological edge to the campaign world. The Fey & the Celtic gods exist in a sort of uneasy relationship & the world of Greyhawk is changing. The Otherworld takes far more center stage with its influence both helping & hindering Greyhawk at turns. 

What takes this sort of a campaign arrangement over the edge from classic campaign into full on workable campaign is how the  Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing hands both the religious aspect of the material & how it balances the PC stuff. There's real tension here and it's not a full blown war or anything of the sort. But it makes it clear that not everyone exists with a campaign world vaccum within the Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing. Meaning that the forces of the Otherworld are very dynamic. 
Its this dynamic relationship that really drives the Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing within the Troll Lords house campaign setting of 'The  World of Aihrde'

Fey, Gods, etc. all fit within the slotted adventure holes of the  'The  World of Aihrde' & this makes the Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing valuable for the Castles & Crusades dungeon master. This means that the DM has at his finger tips the Fey, Gods, & monsters  relationships within  'The  World of Aihrde'

So is the  Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing worth getting?! Yes because the DM has the power to impliment the Celtic mythological material into a whole cloth book right within their campaign. The book is a fantastic addition to the Castles & Crusades line of products & I highly recoommend it! 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

OSR Review & Commentary On Adtherpe's Natural Materials By Chuck Cumbow For Castles & Crusades Rpg

Adtherpe the Spontaneous collected all sorts of information on the multi-verse, its natural resources and the numerous creatures that inhabit it. Within this small tome he has included knowledge on their locations, composition, and the valuable materials they can provide. Also included are notes and recipes for using and crafting herbal mixtures, alchemical compounds, and guidance on harvesting the valuable materials needed for them. A sample of useful material that will enhance any gamemaster’s table!"

  Adtherpe's Natural Materials By Chuck Cumbow  is a twenty page book   has included knowledge on their locations, composition, and the valuable materials they can provide for using and crafting herbal mixtures, alchemical compounds, and guidance on harvesting the valuable materials. While Adtherpe's Natural Materials clocks in at twenty pages, there needs to be more. More material, more natural materials, etc. within this supplement. This supplement's shortcomings is highlighted by Andre's discussion from January 13th 2024; "Is there any chance for us to get a complete list of the table 3.3 Creature Material Index sampling? I really like the idea of harvesting mosnters for their parts, but the table seems to have only a few monsters. And the tables 3.1 and 3.2 for common harveting don't necessary explain the logic behind the prices for monster parts. Having a follow up in this would be greatly appreciared" So Adtherpe's Natural Materials needs a follow up for the monster & creature materials. What's within Adtherpe's Natural Materials is a great complement for Castles & Crusades Adventurers Spellbook.

Why?! Because these materials and compounds are going to be perfect for Alchemy and spell casting.  Castles & Crusades Adventurers Spellbook has a huge number of spells and Adtherpe's Natural Materials dovetails right into the background of a Castles & Crusades campaign. 
Wizard & magic guilds are going to be paying a preminum for many of the items found within Adtherpe's Natural Materials . With this being said I'd wait until Drivethrurpg has a sale to grab Adtherpe's Natural Materials.

New Flesh Rpg & William Hope Hodgeson's Nightland rpg Session Report

  We've got together despite the weather and snow here! We've got a diverse group of New Flesh rpg  party. These guys are sent into an alternative timeline to plunder for technology. In this case, it's the far future of William Hope Hodgeson's Nightland & the party ended up in the twilight zone of the railed cities which chase the giant red sun before the cold horrors of the Nightland close in. 

The party missedthe city on the rails by two hours. And so the party was deeply in the wilderness.
Around them were dozens of volcanic 'fire holes' and these the party looked to survive the night. The cold was starting to set in. 
They ended up battling a couple of giant scorpions and spiders within  one of the holes. Our adventurers ended up within a clean volcanic hole and deployed water collectors. The night pasted without incident. 
The morning was a different matter as they climbed out of the hole to a red sun rise. They drank clean water and began following the rails toward the travelling city. 
The party was attacked by wicked obsidian arrows from the primitive and dangerously cannibalistic  mutant Humpted Men!
And I saw how that the Humped Men did seem to be humpt by reason of their being so monstrous thick and mighty of the neck and the shoulder, as that they had been human bulls. And I saw that they were very strong, and by the speed of their climbing, I knew they were swift…” – Ch. 9, “The Dark Pyramid”
The party beat back the cannibal tribe of mutant horrors but not for two horrors of game time. We ended with the party going back to thier lava tube encampment. We ended here.
Alright the Nightlands by William Hope Hodgeson is practically unreadable for it's first chapter. I've read it ages ago and recently reread the book. Within it is reference to the railed cities which follow the bloated far future  red sun before it sets around the dead seas of our former Earth. This of course takes place millions of years in the future. I filled in wasteland & mutant  details using The Red Room's Wretched Apocalpyse Second Edition. 

So basically I built on some of the ideas of the Wretchedvese's temporal wormhole generators for alternative timeline travel. See the Wretched web comics & plugged in some of  William Hope Hodgeson's material. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

OSR Review & Commentary On Malcon's Tome of Magic Volume Two by Malcon The Fire Bringer & Joseph Mohr Adapted to The Castles & Crusades rpg

The ancient Lich Malcon the Fire Bringer brings you his next installment. This tome includes many new magic items for your campaign. There are many new class specific items to reward your dungeon delvers with after a hard fought expedition into the depths. "

"Additionally there are a handful of new artifiacts and relics to test the foolhardy adventurers who would try to bend these things to their will. "

Malcon's Tome of Magic Volume Two by Malcon The Fire Bringer & Joseph Mohr  is the latest title that I was looking through for our Castles & Crusades rpg campaign. Why?! Because more then two of my players have ordered from Troll Lord Games. So they know thier way around Castles & Crusades rpg and the supplements. They don't know thier way around this thirty four page supplement for OSRIC. Troll Lord Games Castles & Crusades is designed too work with older resources and this includes the magic items. 

Malcon's Tome of Magic Volume Two  has a ton of magic items that can be easily inserted into an on going campaign. These are dangerous, devious, and full of deviltry because they were created by a lich with a fire theme. 
These magic items finding thier way into a dungeon on C&C Aihrde campaign setting. Because of the fire lich theme! The layout is good, the font is readable, the pay what you want price works. There's also several interesting artifacts that can be hooked into the background of Aihrde's world easily. 
Could Malcon be a former servant of the Red Lord whose broken free of the control of his evil god. Is he going to be friend or foe for the PC's?! 
Malcon's Tome of Magic Volume Two is about as generic as you want so that the DM can customize it thier own C&C campaigns. I think Joseph Mohr has done an excellent job of taking a simple concept and tailoring it to the OSR scene. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Meeting In Xylac - Castles & Castles rpg & The CAS Zothique Campaign- Session Report One

 The PC's met with Queen Bell Avtuv Stygian queen of the wastelands who was banished from her throne of the beginning of the Cimmeria Age to Clark Ashton Smith's Zothique. She's searching for a necromatic tome called the Books of Ethiusu which contains the secrets of time and space. She's hired the PC's to search for this magical artifact.

The PC's themselves travelled to Zothique using the planar byways via thier Astral Knight Sir Tristan. The astral knight was looking for a route back to Greyhawk and rolled very badly. And so wound up back on Zothique. 
The PC's are in Xylac after following the astral thread left by Sir Tristan. The port city of Xylac is according to the Zothique wiki entry;"Xylac is a major state of northwestern Zothique, governed by an emperor. Its principal city is Ummaos. It has a western coastline which includes the port cities of Mirouane[12] and of Oroth, from which one can sail to Yoros.[13] Land routes lead southward from Ummaos through the Celotian Waste and past the city of Zul-Bha-Sair to the kingdom of Tasuun."
We're not leaving Xylac quite yet because our clerics and wizards are consulting the scrolls and holy books of the local gods.Yes, this is costing our party a bit of gold but the research is invaluable. Our cleric consulted the Scrolls of  Vergama; 
“...he gave thanks to Vergama who, throughout the whole continent of Zothique, was deemed the most powerful and mysterious of the genii, and was thought to rule over the heavens as well as the earth.” — The Last Hieroglyph, CAS 1934
Meanwhile Zargo the Spellweaver met with the priests and sorcerers of Thasaidon “prince of all turpitudes." From the Scrolls of Vergama we learned that the Books of Ethiusu are held within the temple palaces of Naat. And from  the priests and sorcerers guild  of Thasaidon “prince of all turpitudes." we found out that the books are sacred to ALILA “Queen of perdition and goddess of all iniquities”.These books are guarded by a tribe of lamia & contain the spells of the doors of Yog-Sothoth .The party isn't exactly happy about this and Naat isn't a kingdom to screw with because we've got to charter a boat to travel across the Black River. So that's where we ended when we went back to the Talon of the Necromancer Tavern & discussed our next move. 
So of course we're using Zothique D20 by George Hager available right over here.  However, most of our PC's are straight from the Castles & Crusades player's handbook available right over here. 

That being said we're diving deeply into the Adventurer's Backpack for some of our other more esoteric PC classes. Zothique is a complete wasteland and highly dangerous so we've had to modify some of our equipment, armor, etc. We've also had to make contacts in both the Zothique adventurer's guild, the priest and wizard's guild and other factions. More to come! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

OSR Commentary On MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart By Mark Taormino Kickstarter & Castles & Crusades rpg

 "High on a fog-shrouded hill sits the ruin of the long-forgotten keep of Lord Winslow Veymar, a cursed Death Knight. Bound by an unbroken vow, he roams the shattered halls in eternal search of his lost love, his muse, Lady Katarina. In the central tower of the ruin rests the Scarlet Heart, a heart-shaped ruby pulsing with ancient magic—the key to Veymar’s curse and his undying torment of lost love. But the truth is far crueler than he knows. Now, the keep is haunted by spectral knights, strange beasts, and restless dead, drawn to their master’s sorrow. A fearless band of heroes is needed to brave the dungeon, uncover the truth and their ultimate fate! Treasures beyond imagination await those bold enough to enter the forsaken halls and confront the Phantom of the Scarlet Heart! Cover art by Justin Davis!"

 MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart By Mark Taormino kickstarter just kicked off today. MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart has at it's heart a romance gone into tragedy & horror. The PC's have the chance to set it right. At the heart of this adventure is the protagonist NPC Lord Winslow Veymar, a cursed Death Knight. Whose both nasty customer and the source of the curse in this adventure. Only the adventurers can put things right. 

So for Castles & Crusades rpg this adventure  MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart is perfect as a pivotal adventure that allows PC's levels five to eight to deal with a highly dangerous mid or upper level foe within thier campaigns. 
The NPC Lord Winslow Veymar, could well be a highly dangerous enemy that could clash with PC's before the events of MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart. Remember our death knight could easily be a minion of the Red Lord. C&C's Red Lord has been expanding his hold on other dimensions such as Greyhawk. 

MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart is perfect to use as middle point adventure for a Castles & Crusades or Advanced Dungeons & Dragons first edition campaign. This adventure combines both a plot driven romp and plent of dungeon crawling. 

 MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart has everything you need as a middle turn around campaign adventure. Because it gives you a mid or high level big bad. While it provides a reason for it's curse it also provides the DM with plenty of opportunities for heroism on the PC's part. Back this one folks because MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart  is going to be a great adventure back this one! 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Review & Commentary On Together, To The Beyond By Mathew Tomas for The Wretched Rpg

 "This supplement is a quick-start toolkit for running an alien invasion game using the Wretchedverse offerings from The Red Room. To play, you’ll need The Wretched RPG and Agents of W.R.E.T.C.H. Inspired by the 1980s television series V (and its short-lived 2009 reboot), the film They Live, and the cosmic horror of H.P. Lovecraft, this adventure introduces the Beyonders— a twisted alien race mutated by their exposure to The Beyond. Because of their exposure, they have become an insatiable, all-consuming threat to humanity. Only a band of wretched bastards and scoundrels can stand in the way of their sinister machinations (18 pages)."


 Together, To The Beyond By  Mathew Tomas For The Wretched Rpg is an adventure supplement with deep Eighties roots. This supplement is a  homage to the Eighties cultclassic TV movie and mini series 'V' about alien invasion. Mathew Tomas goes a great job of weaving the Wretched rpg's Beyond and the thematic undercurrents of the infamous miniseries together into a campaign add on. The Beyonders are an alien race from an interstellar Hell. All of this is given in an eighteen pages with a nice font, layout, and solid take on the subject. 
Together, to The Beyond presents an essential tool kit to add to your own Wretched rpg's. The author suggests using the Beyonders in Agents of  W.R.E.T.C.H.but this supplement also works Wretched Darkness or second edition Wretched New Flesh as well. 

Together to the Beyond's Beyonders might be well known to the supernatural races. These aliens could have well have created the wastelands of Wretched Apocalypse . The Beyonders are alien locaust that move from world to world plundering the planetary resources. 
These aliens are incredibly deadly especially with the Lovecraftian twist! The Beyonders are incredibly evil. There's no redeeming them except for the occasional exception. 
These aliens are highly deranged and they are out promoting thier agenda for the Earth. This may not be main Wretched Earth but an alternative timeline. 
These alternative timelines intersect occasionally the Wretched Earth. These are the UFOs's of the Wretched Earth and occasionally take a 'sample' or two of the Earthlings. 
These Beyonders are perfect menaces for an Agents of Wretch, Wretched Darkness, and Wretched New Flesh.