The crew of our space truck enjoyed some R&R after last session but got a hot assignment from from an R&D group of Ibglibdishpan. The assignment is to check out an unknown hyperspacial gateway! The crew got the coorandantes from the bio computer data banks and then hit hyperspace in thier space rig. This session picks right up from where we left off last session! This campaign is based on Trey Causey's Strange Stars OSR Rule Book
So the party had a weird encounter in hyperspace with some rather nasty parasite like creatures. They weren't prepared to deal with the onslaught of the creatures! There were some injuries and 2 infections from the horrid Xill from the classic Advanced Dungeons & Dragons first edition Fiend Folio. Navigator Kim and ensign Ohara were both infected by the Xill's machinations.

So they ended up in medbay & the rest of the crew dealt with the horrors on the outside of the ship. Both of the party's wizards quickly banished the Xill but it took precious time! Both crew members were put into cryosleep. The ancient hyperspacial ring looked very creepy. And the crew had to delay exploration as the ship needed immediate repairs.
The ship was suddenly surrounded by hundreds of glowing humanoids. The Tav of Sharing are a flock of Voidgliders Vacuum-dwelling sophonts who offered the party much needed assistence and medical care.
The party took full advantage of the Tav of Sharing's offer & a surgeon among the Tav looked too the two crewman. Shara of the Sharing is a surgeon & doctor who had spent time among humans training on thier biology and other alien species.
The Xill embroyies were removed in a grueling eight hour operation and then disposed off.
In the meantime the Tav of Sharing's members were questioned about the ancient hyperspacial gate. The Tav basically consider the gateway thier terrority & said that it was a part of an ancient intergalatic war. It has not operated within thier lifetime and it used too belong to an other ancient alien race.
So they ended up in medbay & the rest of the crew dealt with the horrors on the outside of the ship. Both of the party's wizards quickly banished the Xill but it took precious time! Both crew members were put into cryosleep. The ancient hyperspacial ring looked very creepy. And the crew had to delay exploration as the ship needed immediate repairs.
The ship was suddenly surrounded by hundreds of glowing humanoids. The Tav of Sharing are a flock of Voidgliders Vacuum-dwelling sophonts who offered the party much needed assistence and medical care.
The party took full advantage of the Tav of Sharing's offer & a surgeon among the Tav looked too the two crewman. Shara of the Sharing is a surgeon & doctor who had spent time among humans training on thier biology and other alien species.
The Xill embroyies were removed in a grueling eight hour operation and then disposed off.
In the meantime the Tav of Sharing's members were questioned about the ancient hyperspacial gate. The Tav basically consider the gateway thier terrority & said that it was a part of an ancient intergalatic war. It has not operated within thier lifetime and it used too belong to an other ancient alien race.
Because the crew are now out a navigator, the oped to try and recruit a new navigator as a new hire on. Green Myra a voidglider navigator stepped into the position as pay and board were ironed out during the game. Crew is thinking of heading back to the Station GH-34 to drop off thier injured crewman who are now in need of serious medical attention.
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