"A Shadow Rises from the Distant Past...
During an extravagant gala in New York City attended by luminaries of the metropolis, all was going as planned. But whose plan? Mysterious forces are unleashed during the ceremony creating undead horrors that terrorize everyone in attendance.
Shadows of the Red God presents three adventures that take the player characters on a world-spanning adventure against a dark cult, lost for millions of years, and stunningly tied to another world, a world once known as Aihrde. "
"An unusual request to track down a missing scholar takes the heroes from the Louisiana Bayou to long abandoned ruins in the deserts of Saudi Arabia crossing paths with Voodoo Queens and Nazi cultists along the way. "
"After becoming entangled in an Allied spy operation, the characters discover a plot to unearth horrific technologies from the dawn of time and plans for an invasion of some alien species.
When their enemy escapes under mysterious circumstances, the heroes uncover a scheme to summon a strange deity from another world, another dimension, from the shadows of a distant past. It is a race against time as our heroes dash across the world, tracking a would-be prophet of the dark being known only as The Red God. "
Amazing Adventures Shadows of the Red God By Jason Vey is a great introductory adventure for Amazing Adventures rpg. This adventure is pure Pulp adventure goodness that starts in New York City and sends the PC's down into the Louisiana Bayou & into the deserts of Saudi Arabia. Or it can be set within your own campaign's remote Earth's location.
Inbetween is this the fact that your PC's go up against Vodoo Queen & finally Nazi army officiers & soldiers. Shadows of the Red God thrusts our heroes deep into the machinations of an Allied spy operation and finally the deep horrors of the summoning of the Red God.
The party needs to react to the circumstances that they are brought into in Shadows of the Red God. The machinations of the Red God are chaotic, evil, and highly dangerous to Earth. The Red God is a god of Evil that has deep ties to another world, a world once known as Aihrde.
Aihrde is the house campaign world of the Castles & Crusades rpg from Troll Lord Games. This ties the two games together. Amazing Adventures rpg default setting is Earth in my opinion. This isn't a bad thing because it allows the DM to pull from hundreds of years of real world history. Or at least seen through the imaginative lens of Amazing Adventures rpg. Amazing Adventures Shadows of the Red God By Jason Vey takes this approach and builds upon it. This is right in line with the fact that this adventure is written for PC levels ones through five. If the players are stupid thier PC's will die without a second thought. Shadow of the Red God is going to last probably maximum about 5 or 6 sessions. This is the perfect length of play without having this adventure over stay it's welcome. Amazing Adventures Shadows of the Red God is a revised adventure which means that perfectly aligns with the revised Amazing Adventure rpg. And I think it's a great introductionary adventure for AA and will be a great spring board for an AA campaign.