Wednesday, July 31, 2024

OSR Campaign Commentary On The Red Room's Rpg Darker

 Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."- Friedrich Nietzsche

So for the last month or so I've been screwing around with the Darker Rpg from the Red Room.  This post Biblical horror game has the powers of Hell seeping into the Earth sinking thier talons into the Earth in modern 2025. Note that Darker is a mature themed game in spades. 

Darker presents a world where God is dead or absent completely and isn't coming back anytime soon. This campaign setting world is cross compatible with what I've stated in previous blog entries here. The problem is selling this Biblical horror campaign to the players as an actual viable campaign. The answer of course is the horror film campaign idea. 
The players are the ones that have to hold the line now in the absence of a righteous God. Darker hits the Biblical & the Revelation rpg vibe hard. The Darker Biblical feels like a bold mixture of supernatural & infernal elements in spades.
Sure you can use films such as Legion, Phophecy, and other cultclassics and steal thier plots. 
How about an original campaign idea? It's not quite the end of the Earth but Hell is definitely here and not going away anytime soon. So why not go down in a flame of glory kicking the Devil and his minion's asses back to Hell! 
I think it's that simple to use as a premise for a horror  campaign from the ground up. 
Saving the Earth wouldn't be easy but it could be done. Ask any fan of Supernatural or Buffy which means huge sacrifices on the PC's parts. Could this be used for a long term campaign?
In a word yes I think it could because of the following: 
  1. The PC's have personal stake in the outcome of the campaign such as the soul of a loved one. 
  2. The core of one of the PC's values is on the line because the world is ending and they don't feel fine. 
  3. They watch others walk into the fire and the PC's don't. This trend continues until the PC's actions affect the Earth. 
  4. The powers of both God & the Devil could both be monsters. The Darker setting is flexible to allow one to explore these themes.  
  5. Cults have been growing in leaps and bounds allowing them to gain both overt and covert power in many countries across the globe. This allows the DM to affect the PC's on a personal level.
  6. Biblical threats can hit close to home throwing the status que out the window.Such adventure horror elements  as demonic possession and the like are very nasty. 
  7. Straight up destruction of Hell's legions also goes a long way to making the horrors right there and in the PC's face. Use this tactic sparingly. 
  8. Horror is subjective and over doing the elements of horror could turn it comedic. 
  9. Allow the PC's to have small victories and allow the status que to breath a bit bringing home the gut punches of horror when it appears. 
  10. Long term campaigns are possible with horror but it takes a solid group of players who are going to be able to achieve a long term goal. 
The Wretched Rpg could help to act as a campaign anchor to bring PC's into Darker. But this is going to be a balancing act as the Darker game has no real skill system, level system, or as many rpg PC system hooks as the players might expect.

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