Monday, July 1, 2024

We can remember It For You Whole Sale - With Zozer Games Hostile & Zaibatsu rpg's

 Let's pick up the Zaibatsu rpg with our last blog entry here . If memory implants & personality implants could shift a person't entire life and reality?! Could you trust that who you are is really who you are? This is the question that my players are wrestling with. 
What if the a crack clone & replicant hunting group of NPC's called the Devil's Forsaken are not at all what they seem?! 

After introducing Zozer Games's  the HOSTILE Situation Report 012 - The Mine .I've got the players questioning if thier characters are actually themselves or clones who have been mind raped into thinking that thier the genuine article. This happened after the party stumbled into a genetics labatory that they weren't meant to see. 
And then the Devil's Forsaken went after them as clones! And this could be the reality as the PC's are under this assumption that the party is from another universe and they've taken over this universe's Semptember Group. Or is this actually all an elaborate charade by thier cruel corporate overlords!? 

Or is it really the Devil's Forsaken who are the not ex ganger but instead cheap clones who have been given complete mind make overs?! With the clones being used to test and improve the latest batches of combat androids?! The players are pissed but I've got them wrapped up in this false reality or is it?! 
Are the ganger's pasts merely VR simulations and false memories of a Toyako that no longer exists?! 
This is no longer street and corporate conspiracy theory to the player's PC's but reality. A false reality where there are shape shifting androids monitoring the progress of thier products?! 

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