Just in time for tonight's game is my copy of the Lusus Naturae hardback by Rafael Chandler, best known for the Teratic Tome and the wonderful artist Gennifer Bone.
This hardback kicks the Pdf's ass, the art is lust, the paper is clear and crisp, the artwork kicks so much ass, this book is decated to the Lamentations of the Flame Princess rpg system and features some of the most nasty and dangerous pieces of work to come out of the OSR in a very long time. Each monster is an adventure unto themselves and they're all related into each other as a part of the back story of the LoFP's Chandlerverse. Which means that they can be a part of or not a greater part of your LoFP whole campaign universe. On with the unboxing! The envelop was packed very nicely and there was a fair amount of packing by the author.
Everything was undamaged and ready for examination; the book was still sealed in plastic, always a plus. This hardback kicks the Pdf's ass, the art is lust, the paper is clear and crisp, the artwork kicks so much ass, this book is decated to the Lamentations of the Flame Princess rpg system and features some of the most nasty and dangerous pieces of work to come out of the OSR in a very long time. Each monster is an adventure unto themselves and they're all related into each other as a part of the back story of the LoFP's Chandlerverse. Which means that they can be a part of or not a greater part of your LoFP whole campaign universe. On with the unboxing! The envelop was packed very nicely and there was a fair amount of packing by the author.
The picture doesn't do Gennifer Bone's nasty and dangerous wrap around art cover.
The artwork is far crisper and cleaner on the book, it looks very handsome in contrast to the pdf which doesn't bring home the way it 'pops' right out at you. Every bit of slime and scum is visible just waiting for the DM to throw the menace at the players.

The thickness and quality of the book is excellent and I really love the care that went into this. I've already had my players squirming once they found out that it's been in my hands.
Here's a side by side comparison with my Lamentations of the Flame Princess rules book. I can't begin to tell you all how satified I'm with the purchase. If you'd like to get your own copy of this beauty please contact Rafael Chandler to see if there are any other copies available through him.
People you should pick up the hardcover even over the pdf. The art just pops and Gennifer Bone's artwork is glorious. Between the monsters, the random appendixes for monster generation and everything else this is a glorious book for the OSR in all of its slime covered loveliness. Grab this and let the monstrous inhabitants from Lusus Naturae start chewing, infecting, and warping your PC's today!
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