This post is going pick right up from here where the Dutchman has been fading in & out of his history off the 'Shoulder of Orion'. Who or what is responsible for the universal hyperspace gate at Tannhauser Gate?! Possibly aliens who are long dust millions of years ago now only a few artifacts remain and this goes deeply into the mysteries surrounding 'The Shoulder of Orion' at Mu Orionis. And the artifact in question comes from The Dragon magazine issue#27 in 'Tesseracts: A Traveller Artifact' By Gary Jordon..
Played correctly & the Tesseract itself becomes an alien artifact or space dungeon of high value: "Tesseracts (or hypercubes) have appeared in the pages of TD
before, as a gimmick to confuse the mapmakers of D&D. Rather than
attempt to confuse the players of TRAVELLER, I’d like to present that
device as a boon to them.
Readers of that previous article will recall that tesseracts have
the peculiar property of containing eight times their actual physical
volume, sort of a technological bag of holding. Considered as an
artifact, rather than a magical nexus, I postulate the tesseract as a
cubical structure with no openings into the “normal” three dimensional space. This is merely the framework, connected to a hyperspace generator; inside is the tesseract itself, consisting of eight
cubical rooms or compartments weirdly interconnected (for how
weirdly, see the previous article) and each with the same volume as
the framework which contains them. Figure 1 is the layout of the
internals and their interrelationship; Figure 2 is how the tesseract
might be represented in ship’s plans." And within a hypercube of this nature space itself could be warped & the hypercube's technologies valuable beyond reckoning; "Access/egress to the tesseract is via matter transmitter/receiver
pairs (mattermitters). One is located within each tesseract employed, while one is located outside the tesseract but within its limited
range. The internal structures within are constructed by the shipbuilder and mattermitted into the operating hyperfield. The contents
of a hyperfield are impervious to influences exerted from without.
Nothing, up to and including a supernova will affect a tesseract in
operation, so long as the hyperspace generator continues to function. Interruption of power to the generator for durations of longer
than 60 seconds or destruction of the generator itself will cause the
field to degenerate and collapse, resulting in the permanent loss of
the contents in hyperspace." The original builders of these technologies are long dead & have passed beyond the pale of the universe. But the tesseract itself bends the laws of physics while keeping the mysteries of hyperspace intact.
What is the tesseract itself & what was it's function?! Issue#27 of The Dragon's article offers some possibilities. But we're not going to explore those in our springing this on the crew of the Einstein.
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