The "Other Enterprise"
A contemporary of the ships 2153 the Declaration series of ion and hyperdrive ships were in service being used by the United Planets to ferry colonists to the Alpha Centuri colonies. The launch of the NX-01 Enterprise spelled the end of the era for these ships. Even though they were contemporary with the NX-01 Star Fleet began to emerge as a well respected power within the interstellar community.

Length: 300 m
Diameter: 210 m
Living Section Width: 28.7 m
Mass: 52.7 million kg
Diameter: 210 m
Living Section Width: 28.7 m
Mass: 52.7 million kg
Ship's Complement
Crew and Service Personnel: 100
Passenger Capacity: 850
Standard Ship's Complement: 950
Passenger Capacity: 850
Standard Ship's Complement: 950
Range: Standard: 350 light-years, Maximum: 1,200 light-years
Cruising Speed: Warp 1.0 following Hyperdrive.
Voyage Duration: Standard: 3 months, Maximum: 2.5 years
Cruising Speed: Warp 1.0 following Hyperdrive.
Voyage Duration: Standard: 3 months, Maximum: 2.5 years
Systems Overview
Navigation: Celestial Warp Reader
Communication: Subspace Radio
Recreation: Null-grav gymnasium, 5 dining rooms, 3 theaters, 3 nightclubs, Forward and Rear stellar observatories
Life-Support: Gravity: .2 - 1.2g, Atmosphere: : 20% 02; 11% humidity
Sustenance Duration: Up to 40 years if outfitted for long-duration exploration
Power : 50/1 free
Mass 30/0 Communication: Subspace Radio
Recreation: Null-grav gymnasium, 5 dining rooms, 3 theaters, 3 nightclubs, Forward and Rear stellar observatories
Life-Support: Gravity: .2 - 1.2g, Atmosphere: : 20% 02; 11% humidity
Sustenance Duration: Up to 40 years if outfitted for long-duration exploration
Power : 50/1 free
2 multi focal lasers +3 to hit/1d4 AP 20
Nuclear Interstellar Missiles +3 to hit 3d4+2
Retrofitted Upgrade Arment Armament: 2x triple beam lasers, 2x triple particle beams
Defense : Retrofitted Hardened Poly carbon cermanic Overlay
Retrofitted Upgrade Arment Armament: 2x triple beam lasers, 2x triple particle beams
Defense : Retrofitted Hardened Poly carbon cermanic Overlay
Hyperdrive , Drop pod, Armory,Ship's Locker, Boarding Tubes, Advanced Nav Computer ( HAL 7000), Fuel Scoops, Extended Life Supports, Extended Sleep pods.
Maneuver Drive E,
Power Plant L,
Jump Drive L
Thrust: 1 G Jump Rating: 3 Fuel: 384 tons for: 1x Jump 3, 4 weeks endurance; small craft fuel Model/5 computer Highly Advanced Sensors (DM+3) Fittings: 22 staterooms, 20 low berths, 22 escape pods, 29 tons of cargo, 8 Runabouts, , repair drones, fuel scoops, fuel processor (300 tons/day), self-sealing full, stealth Software: Auto-Repair/1, Fire Control/2, Jump Control/3, and Simulated Intelligence/2 Minium Crew: 22 total - Captain, 2 Pilots, Navigator, 3 Engineers, Medic, 2 Gunners, 8 Flight Crew, 3 Runabout Technicians Cost: MCr806; Construction Time: 108 weeks
Maneuver Drive E,
Power Plant L,
Jump Drive L
Thrust: 1 G Jump Rating: 3 Fuel: 384 tons for: 1x Jump 3, 4 weeks endurance; small craft fuel Model/5 computer Highly Advanced Sensors (DM+3) Fittings: 22 staterooms, 20 low berths, 22 escape pods, 29 tons of cargo, 8 Runabouts, , repair drones, fuel scoops, fuel processor (300 tons/day), self-sealing full, stealth Software: Auto-Repair/1, Fire Control/2, Jump Control/3, and Simulated Intelligence/2 Minium Crew: 22 total - Captain, 2 Pilots, Navigator, 3 Engineers, Medic, 2 Gunners, 8 Flight Crew, 3 Runabout Technicians Cost: MCr806; Construction Time: 108 weeks

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