Besides Toys and gifts what else is waiting for your party in Santa's Sack of Magic, Mayhem, And Mystery.

What's In Santa's Sack 1d30 Random Item Encounters Table
What's In Santa's Sack 1d30 Random Item Encounters Table
- 1d10 Gremlins with tools of mayhem that scatter as soon as the sack is open.
- Minor magic item - Cursed doll of Traland - Eyes glow evilly and with malice
- 1d3 random minor potions
- A hell cat pissed off and ready for blood and battle.
- A Christmas Elf with an uzi ready for battle. Half a clip of ammo in the banana clip and counts as a 2nd level fighter.
- A dagger covered in yellow gore. +1 dagger
- AK-47 machine gun with various names of rain deer crossed off.
- Golden cross with smoke coming off it. Very effective against undead
- Bottle of Hooch - Acts as a healing potion
- Evil doll with various toy weapons looking for blood, reanimates into a 3 hit dice monster with an armor class of 8 and capable of dealing 1d4 points of damage with bite, claw or by weapon
- Folded up corpse of a zombie chimney sweep 3 hit points
- 2nd level fighter Christmas elf with a bow of slaying and an attitude
- A group of animated toys, they play a tune and then scatter back into the sack from all directions
- Children's lunch box filled with chocolate gold coins and semi precious stones
- Magic eight ball that has 1d4 random second and first level spells. Five charges
- Magic flute 4 charges summons a golden dragon 2 hit points chaotic aspect
- Alarm Clock that goes off as soon as its out of the sack. Summons the nearest wandering monster
- Chain saw +1 fully fueled and ready for battle!
- Army of Teddy Bears 1d8, 2 hit points each, Armor Class 8, 1d4 claws, Chaotic
- Two monster dragon toys able to breath fire 1d6 points of damage, 30 foot radius, 3 charges each
- Ancient thieves tools covered in blood. With a note attached that says," Help me." They come from deep in the bag
- Mini coffin containing a ghost of Christmas Future and a single child's wish
- Finely cooked meal with a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Heals 1d6 points of damage almost instantly. One use item only.
- Golden harp that plays a charm person spell then disappears
- Toy hover car remote controlled that has a bomb strapped to it. 1d6 points of damage, 30 foot range for the toy.
- Tool box, full set of tools. +2 to all repair rolls especially sleds
- Duct tape with a light side and a dark side. Temporarily repairs anything for 1d8 rounds
- Ugly Sweater - Cursed item from the deepest Christmas Hells
- Ax +2 undead slayer
- A mini sled that will act as a teleport spell without error disappears after one use.
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