So last night after getting back from our Neon Lords of the Wastelands game we had after the game talked about space dungeons & the guys mentioned the Hulks & Horrors rpg. And why I'm I bringing this game up yet again?! Well because of the fact that it has some of the best OSR tools for creating massive space dungeons & hazards randomly. H&H is all about 'Dungeon Crawling or more appropriately a lost starship, space station, pod colony, science complex and ruined city crawler. You name it for interstellar OSR action and H&H has the tools to do it. For 'space dungeon' generation this is one of the strongest OSR Science Fictional or Science Fantasy rules sets. So is there a down side to Hulks & Horrors?! Well Hulks and Horrors could be described as D&D/AD&D in space (with the THAC0). And for many of us old schoolers THACO isn't a problem.
And that gets into our on going ongoing Adventurer, Conqueror, King's Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu™ (BCK) & Colonial Troopers crossover campaign that's been on going. I'm going to use Hulks & Horrors to randomly generate a few of the space dungeons for our ongoing game.
Space Dungeons are one of the things that my games happen to thrive on & Colonial Troopers has any numbers of space station models for games. The players have expressed thoughts on doing various types of colonies & especially alien ruined cityscapes. And H&H has the tools to do it. Converting between systems could be problematic for some folks. Not me this goes back to working with 2nd edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.

And for weeks now I've been drawing in the players with hints & doubts using psychic clues & bread crumbs from Colonial Troopers Knight Hawks. What are the Terrans really hiding?!? Can the PC's find out before its too late aboard a plague ship bound for Hell?! And why are the cloud giants complacent about giving the PC's the map?! The older I'm getting the more I'm coming to appreciate space dungeons for what they are death dungeon locations in space.
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