in 1978 when I was but a very young dungeon master learning my craft at
the knee of my dad's buddy who was retired RAF. I was in awe of the
Judge's Guild Ready Refer Sheets. These were the only thing he would
have at the table with him when he was world building along with his
AD&D first edition Dungeon Master's Guide. The process was pretty
simple and its one that I continue to follow today. Read Arduin,
Delos,etc your inspirational material then take the Ready Refer Sheets
plus the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide and begin

Now that I'm far older and look at this book of awesomeness there is a ton of sexism and
Pages 5-6 of this supplement are some of the worst. A section with the simple heading "WOMEN," is possibly the most sexist thing I've read in a gaming supplement ever. It goes into guidelines for keeping woman happy all kinds of amusing things that had the other half reading this book aloud and laughing her head off. This is from another time period and wasn't meant to be taken serious and I'm a feminist so there we are. That being said there are some incredibly useful items in the sheets that even today I continue to use.


Now that I'm far older and look at this book of awesomeness there is a ton of sexism and
Pages 5-6 of this supplement are some of the worst. A section with the simple heading "WOMEN," is possibly the most sexist thing I've read in a gaming supplement ever. It goes into guidelines for keeping woman happy all kinds of amusing things that had the other half reading this book aloud and laughing her head off. This is from another time period and wasn't meant to be taken serious and I'm a feminist so there we are. That being said there are some incredibly useful items in the sheets that even today I continue to use.

a listing of the contents thanks to Wayne's Books and as you can see
there is a ton of awesome here to cherry pick for world building;"
Table of Contents |
Page 2 Social Level/City Encounter |
3 Lists of Heirarchies |
4 Social Level explanation, Slavery, Quarters |
5 Women |
6 Women, Oaths & Promises |
7 Proclamations, High Treason, Boons & Duties, Wills |
8 Crime, Trial & Punishment |
9 Verdicts & Punishments |
10 Punishments, Advertising |
11 Advertising |
12 Exchange Rates, Metals & Gem Types |
13 Beggars, Characteristics, Shock Recovery |
14 Guards & Garrison Troops, Offensive Locution- Repartee & Witicisms |
15 Poison Types |
16 Attack Reasons, Companions, Special Encounters |
17 Surprise in Encounters, Phantasmal Forces, Time Required, Weapon Priority |
18 Construction Costs & Time Required |
19 Wizards Guide to Weapon Enchantment, Wands, Rings & Potions |
20 Rudimentary Resurection Results, Startling Statues |
21 Wayward Waters, Sink or Swim |
22 Sharks & Sea Monsters, Precious Pearls |
23 Monster Compendium (continued on 24 & repeated again on 33 & 34) |
25 Character Checklist (4 copies) |
27 Men Attacking (repeated again on 29 & 52) |
28 Chainmail's Man-to-Man Melee table (repeated on 30) |
35 Underwater Encounter Tables |
36 Wishes & Limited Wishes, Quests & Geas |
37 Hirelings, NPC Cutups, Negotiation, Morale |
38 Income, Civilization & Technological Levels, Population Density, Baronies |
39 Trade Guide, Caves & Lairs |
42 Searching |
43 Ravaged Ruins |
45 Keen Sighting, Hydrographic Terrain |
46 Prosperous Prospecting, Triumphant Grand Tactical |
47 Movement Obstacles |
48 Weeds, Flowers, Vegetables, Herbs & Molds |
49 Trees |
50 Fauna |
51 Monsters Attacking |
52 Men Attacking |
53 Index |
54 Listing of Judges Guild Products |
know what your thinking that this is simply wall to wall charts and I'm
from the dawn of time during the Seventies so only I would find this
book useful. Well this book allows one to have guidelines for
constructing a castle or elven tree fortress, rules for using beggars as
an information network, a "Buffoon" sub-class of fighter that actually
works, a ton of weird magical statue tables and more.
sword and sorcery Arduin style world building this is one of my go too
pieces of full on old school fun and games. This piece of Judge's Guild
material I find incredibly useful and a great companion to many of the
retroclone systems on the market especially OSRIC and Labyrinth Lord
Advanced Companion play.
material plus some of the stuff from the Pegasus magazine coupled with
the AD&D Dungeon Master Guide allowed me to build numerous campaigns
over the years. Th alignment system is a relic from another time as
well but its optionally like many of the pieces in here.
There is a ton here to mine and the material can easily be used with OD&D as well including
retroclone OD&D systems or Basic D&D (Holmes or Moldvay)with
little to no problem. This also means that the material can be used to supplement Lamentations of the Flame Princess or Dark Albion with no one
being the wiser. I've done this mid stream at least twice when the PC's
were on the border of the Middle East and in Spain for certain
adventure circumstances. The book saved my bacon twice for those games.
get everything you need for encounter charts in different environments
and monster placement. A complete list and stats for all of the monsters
from the Seventies in one easy to use place which if your play
Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea has been very handy
when the PC's are crossing worlds and dimension hopping.
castles and construction costs plus charts within the structure work
well with many of the various editions and there's plenty to recommend
how things are put together and seeing the meshing of the various JG
material comes from a time when the hobby was still forming itself and
it shows in table after table of random material that both services a DM
on two levels. One it gives solid on the fly guidelines for decisions
and two it gives a DM a bench mark for creating their own tables. I can
see this book being used at convention sets of play where things have to
decided right now!
this book perfect? Hell no not at all it was never meant to be but its
not something to be sneered at. This book gives some weird bits its true
but its an old favorite because its still relevant to the hobby even
of the fun of using random tables when running a game is seeing what
crazy logic you have to use to tie it all together. The Ready
Ref Sheets even has ruins tables making it perfect for Gamma World,
Metamorphosis Alpha 1st edition, Mutant Future and Dungeon Crawl
Classics. In fact I've used this book twice with DCC during play and the
play continued quite nicely. Just goes to show you that just because
something is old doesn't make it any less useful.
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