Tuesday, May 2, 2023

'" Here Be Dragons" A Sword & Sorcery Campaign Using The Castles & Crusades Mythos Series - Germany Destabilized!

 So I've been back hard at work on the 'Ancient World' Castles & Crusades campaign & it's easy to really discount certain Mythos books. One of these is the Castles & Crusades Codex Germania but this is a mistake on my part. Codex Germania has two very distinct classes that can easily be applied to our campaign world. These are the dragon slayer and the witch which comes straight out of German mythology. 

This is important for two reasons, one the NPC villain is actually a dragon slayer and a bit of fantical one at that. He's Hell bent on slaying a gold dragon whose wife is a major NPC patron of the player's PC's. 
And things are going to go downhill from there. The party has it's hands full with the recent Dwarven fracus we just had unleashed. 
Codex Germania fills in some of the major gaps in the Indo European mythologies of the region within our campaign. This ties into several of the major Dwarven elements of our 'Here Be Dragon' canmpaign events. 

The secondary player's class that we'll be using for an NPC villain is the witch class. And this version of the witch is the one straight from mythology and this is something that we'll be plugging into. This the Germany of both an alternative late Roman empire and one that hits the high notes of mythology. Meaning that this is a period of high instability within our version of Europe. 
And it's this period of conflict that has awakened forces of creation from deep within the Earth detailed within  Maximum Mayhem Dungeons#4 Vault of Dwarven King.
Tieing all of this together is easily done with the dark version of Europe that we find within  
the Bundle: Castles & Crusades Mythos Series -- Print here. 
All of this goes back to the start points that find within Autarch's By This Axe: The Cyclopedia of Dwarven Civilization. A German barbarian empire deep within the throws of conflict awakening the dark forces within the Earth. 

The Dwarves are really the guardians of the future fate of mankind and the custodins of the Gods. How long can we see them continue this role that they've held so long within myth and legend?! 

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