The Stranger first appeared in X-Men #11 (May 1965), and was created byStan Lee and Jack Kirby. He appears to be a scientist cosmic level whose origins are shrouded in mystery. He's great for studying characters & causing cosmic level problems. The character has all kinds of uses if a dungeon master is willing to put in some time with him. He's got a whole star spanning world of mad science. I can see there being shrines to his mysterious greatness across Carcosa in mad wizard's labs & temples
You can find even more information on him here

Atum is the perfect entity for when your campaign has way too many gods! Seriously this pantheon eating machine is perfect way to clear out the game table of all those pesky do gooders! The character is loosely based on the god Ra of the Egyptian pantheon. Very,very loosely based. He's got more in common with some of the ideals of Theosphosy then Ra but that's another matter. Basically he shepherd's gods like sheep then harvests them!
Kronos another Jim Starlin creation. The character first appears in Iron Man #55 (Feb. 1973) and was created byJim Starlin. This entity is an ancestor of Thanos & the creator of Drax the Destroyer. Basically an eternal rendered into an astral form form with cosmic level abilities some of which have to do with time & perception. He's been known to employ heroes for various missions of cosmic importance & is on level with Galactus & Thanos. Originally one of the immortal Eternals ofTitan, and led a rebellion against his tyrannical brother Uranos.
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Franklin Richards is possibly the most powerful mutant on planet Earth & has been Psi Lord, A member Of The Powerpack, etc,etc, etc. He's basically super hero royalty being the son of Sue Storm & Reed Richards. His powers include:
He's possibly one of the most dangerous mutants ever.You can bet some Skrull or alien has a little shrine for him in their little hut someplace. The character has gone toe to toe with Celestials,Ultron, & others. Make no mistake this character is a demigod of Epic proportions. Talk about the kid with the gun. This is that kid & the gun in question is the power cosmic. Use him sparingly in your games lots of information Here
You can find even more information on him here
Atum is the perfect entity for when your campaign has way too many gods! Seriously this pantheon eating machine is perfect way to clear out the game table of all those pesky do gooders! The character is loosely based on the god Ra of the Egyptian pantheon. Very,very loosely based. He's got more in common with some of the ideals of Theosphosy then Ra but that's another matter. Basically he shepherd's gods like sheep then harvests them!
He basically eats the Elder Gods in the Marvel Universe! This includes the ancient pantheon includes Chthon, Cthulhu, Set and Gaea (the eventual mother of the Thunder God Thor).
This entity can be a campaign builder or destroyer depending upon how he's used
More information about him Here
This entity can be a campaign builder or destroyer depending upon how he's used
More information about him Here
Kronos another Jim Starlin creation. The character first appears in Iron Man #55 (Feb. 1973) and was created byJim Starlin. This entity is an ancestor of Thanos & the creator of Drax the Destroyer. Basically an eternal rendered into an astral form form with cosmic level abilities some of which have to do with time & perception. He's been known to employ heroes for various missions of cosmic importance & is on level with Galactus & Thanos. Originally one of the immortal Eternals ofTitan, and led a rebellion against his tyrannical brother Uranos.
More information There's more information
Franklin Richards is possibly the most powerful mutant on planet Earth & has been Psi Lord, A member Of The Powerpack, etc,etc, etc. He's basically super hero royalty being the son of Sue Storm & Reed Richards. His powers include:
Reality warping and manipulation Psionic powers Telekinesis Telepathy |
Perhaps one of the most dangerous threats to any team of adventurers is this villain who came out of the minds of Dave Thorpe and Alan Davis for the Captain Britain stories in Marvel UK comics and later developed by Alan Moore.
The character is/was an anti superhero crusader who well? He then created The Fury, a highly adaptable android created to exterminate superheroes. Within two years all the superhumans of the world (many of them referencing classic British comic characters like Marvelman and the Steel Claw) had been killed by the Fury. The only surviving superhero of this world, Captain UK, had fled to Earth-616 and abandoned her heroic identity. However, the Fury was programmed not to kill Jaspers, who himself had the ability to warp reality to his will at the cost of his own sanity.
He then went on to wreck any number of universes & might be appearing in yours soon! More information right Here
The character is/was an anti superhero crusader who well? He then created The Fury, a highly adaptable android created to exterminate superheroes. Within two years all the superhumans of the world (many of them referencing classic British comic characters like Marvelman and the Steel Claw) had been killed by the Fury. The only surviving superhero of this world, Captain UK, had fled to Earth-616 and abandoned her heroic identity. However, the Fury was programmed not to kill Jaspers, who himself had the ability to warp reality to his will at the cost of his own sanity.
He then went on to wreck any number of universes & might be appearing in yours soon! More information right Here
Jim is a reality-manipulating psychic whose powers can effect just about anything & his avatar is the Fury.
There's more information about the fury & its victims right Here
Notes For The OSR
With the release of the new Avengers movie & its making a billion dollars I figured I'd dust off some old concepts that I've used in the past for super hero gaming. Yeah I know your thinking this is way too gonzo for my D&D campaign. Time & again I've used adventurers to do minor quests against & for entities! The players have had a blast with these!
I can see small shrines across Carcosa & beyond where the only hope for some is laying one's faith in distant entities who might deliver some hope in a very dark world. Since these are cosmic entities they can pop up just about anywhere. Most of the entities I've named can actually be found right in the Marvel Handbooks of The Universe for the Marvel Super Hero Rpg right Here
I can see small shrines across Carcosa & beyond where the only hope for some is laying one's faith in distant entities who might deliver some hope in a very dark world. Since these are cosmic entities they can pop up just about anywhere. Most of the entities I've named can actually be found right in the Marvel Handbooks of The Universe for the Marvel Super Hero Rpg right Here
This is a fan work & everything I've posted about belongs to its respective copyright holders
Good choices. The fury is indeed a badass, and I've always thought some of the things said about the Stranger were more interesting than anything that has been done with him.
ReplyDeleteSuperb choices. I enjoyed reading all of those stories and glad you chose to give them some limelight.
ReplyDeleteTrey thanks very much! I actually loved the concept of the Stranger but the exacution left lots to be desired. The character makes an excellent foil for PCs of any game.
ReplyDeleteThe Fury doesn't get nearly as much credit as it deserves..
Mark Craddock these are some of my favorites & deserve lots more attention then their getting these days. There is more to come! Stay Tuned!