I grabbed Pacesetter's Temple of Mercy for B/X Dungeons & Dragons. Its an adventure designed for six, third level characters. This is a pay what you want B/X adventure & has the feel of many of the period Basic Dungeons & Dragons adventures & products.

It wouldn't take much to adapt Temple of Mercy to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition. Why?! Because Pacesetter's Temple of Mercy is a dungeon romp plain & well made. It takes the PC's & put em through their paces. The characters go the nine yards & then some. There are some interesting tricks & traps that author Ben Barsh puts the adventurers through. This isn't a world spanning adventure with a huge central plot. Instead this is a 24 page dungeon with some good solid design work, interesting adventure encounters & lots potential for campaign play.
Could Temple of Mercy be adapted to the Castles & Crusades rpg?! Absolutely & there's just enough here to get the DM into lots of player PC hot water by taking full advantage of the adventure material.

Trips & traps abound in Temple of Mercy meaning that there's plenty of adventurer's handwork to play to during adventuring module. Besides being named checked the players are going to have their hands full dealing with the living history that presents itself in Temple of Mercy. Should you grab Temple of Mercy then I'd throw the adventure into play rotation & see where it leads your player's PC's.
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