Doyusha Underground Tank
Weight : 300 tons
Crew : Three (pilot, gunner, navigator)
Passengers 6
Weapons: Front mounted missiles:1d6 each 3 mile range, Heavy missiles crackers 1d8 20 mile range, Twin mounted lightning cannons 5d8
Range-60,000 miles
Power source -Junior jump mini fusion reactor good for 76 years of operation.

Doyusha Underground Tank- 4 Hurricane Jet Launcher Stats same as above with the addition of four jet air craft & Computer Assistance radar tracking +2 on all rolls for combat.
Doyusha Armored Crawler -
Weight: 18 tons
Crew : 3
Passengers: 16
Weapon : Optional Lightning gun (5d8)
Other Additional Equipment : Long Range Communicator - Mk1 computer with link to orbit, portable habitat dome
Junior Muguras Underground Tank- Same stats as above with 4 long range missiles each doing 1d8 points of damage. Nuclear jet engines capable of doubling speed for short bursts of 90 m.p.h.
Typhon Muguras Underground Tank Gun platform - Same Stats as above but armed with a Twin Gatling Z ray cannon four shots per round each doing 1d10 each. Missile pod capable of delivering 6 missiles each doing 1d6 points of damage each. Complete +2 radar & sensors suite in turret. 22 hit point force field on turret.
Information: Based on Atlan designs found on the Moon base during the 1950s. These incredible machines have been in service since before the Atomic Wars. They have taken part in every major conflict that has taken place in Human Space. There is evidence that Leonardo Da Vinci drilling machine may have contributed to the designs that Professor Takamura used in his first proto type machine back in 1956! These machines have since been used in planetary mining & all types of warfare across the universe. There are rumors of larger versions of this machine but there is little evidence to support such claims.
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