Hither came Conan the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
"The Phoenix on the Sword" (1932) By Robert E.Howard

So where does one actually take into account the fact that the "Robert E. Howard's Hyborea" has tons of opportunities to screw around with the player's PC's. This is a post apocalytic fantasy in the sense that the older world's ruins are existing side by side with the newer age's structures like a giant layer cake. But there's another almost but not quite forgotten aspect in Gods, Demigods, & Heroes that almost everyone forgets . "Numerous cultural monsters appear in this book, including the phoenix, fire snakes, Norse giants, the queen of the earth elementals, and more" there are lots of unique monsters that never appeared anywhere else & these are perfect to take slightly outta context & use with other OSR games or in a Hyborea setting. In fact these monsters are ideally suited to include in other D&D based products. Several of these monsters besides the obvious Michael Moorcock Elric & Robert E. Howard Conan material there are numerous unique creations waiting to be sprung on some foolish unsuspecting D&D or OSR players. What are the cultures that are in this book? Surprisingly: Egyptian
Robert E, Howard's Hyborea
Elric and Melnibone
Eastern Mythos
Any of these can easily be reskinned for a Sword & Sorcery campaign & since we are playing in a post apocalyptic fantasy age these can appear anywhere from the 'old age'. None of the players will be the wiser. But generally speaking they will be reaching for those Monster Manuals. Now by the same token I've flipped several of the monsters in Kuntz & Ward's Gods, Demi - Gods, & Heroes for original Dungeons & Dragons for use with Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea as mid range boss monsters from 'Old Earth'. The tactic worked & the players were in a full panic as we did a full on old school Jack Kirby press into the den of a Finnish monster dwelling in Underborea. The far future world of Hyperborea might be rife with Apocalyptic high level mythological monsters left over from the Apocalypse. They might be really pissed off.

Not only can Kuntz & Ward's Gods, Demi - Gods, & Heroes for original Dungeons & Dragons be used for OSR adventure tom foolery but its monsters can also serve the gap for Gamma World first & second edition where a powerful & unexpected horror or two is waiting around the corner for the PC's.

These are just some of my thoughts tonight on using some of the mythological weirdness of Gods, Demi - Gods, & Heroes for original Dungeons & Dragons. The book remains a bit of unsung classic in my estimation. There have been numerous comments about the book's overpowered & stodgy for 2019. I think that these folks are full of it & not getting enough sunlight. Over all I think that Gods, Demi - Gods, & Heroes for original Dungeons & Dragons is a must for any serious DM in my opinion. For now keep em rolling!
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