Sunday, August 21, 2011

Alien Fiends Corrupt The Morals Of Our Youth!

The I'sthisth is a menace that has been brought about by the increase in hypespacial dimensional traffic. These creatures descend upon helpless planets in interstellar clouds & begin their life cycle quickly. Within the first 24 cycle period these worms infest any humans they come across disrupting the moral & normal senses. 
   The infested is quickly overwhelmed with a dizzy array of hallucinations & stimulus to disrupt any psionic abilities or powers. The victim must make a save vs death or the worm takes control as it crawls down the ear channel to wrap itself around the brain stem. The victim will quickly recover.They assume that nothing has taken place.  Several things will have happened to the victim:

  1. The fear centers of the brain are shut down.
  2. The victim will be sexually attracted to danger & violence which will activate an orgasm like pleasure spasm within the victim each time he engages in acts of such violence 
  3. The victim will not believe there is anything wrong with him as the worm releases heighten levels of adrenaline within him 
Finally after 2 days of violence the infected collect as much fissionable material as possible. They then cause their hosts to explode it & they convert this material into a hyperspacial gate.  The mature form of their life cycle that lives between the spaces within the Outer Darkness sheds their flesh. The cycle begins again. 
 Upon some worlds these events are welcome as part a bizarre pseudo- religious rite & they use these worms as a sort of drug of choose. There have been several attempts to spread the message of  the "The Cloud"
  The Empire's response has been to begin using psionic means to predict where& when the clouds in the Outer Darkness will appear.The of use hyper dimensional explosives to disrupt the clouds has been some what successful. The infected have been cured by massive applications of  several super science medical treatments that the military arm of the Empire has had in standby. 

 There have been several worlds that apparently have self destructed after the events  were mishandled. The Empire considers these creatures an alpha level threat!

No. Enc.: 1d6
Alignment: Inimical
Move: 120'(40’)
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d4 (plus hallucination)
Morale: 5


  1. Nice. :) Seems to have some suspicious similarities to our world--but that's probably just coincidence. ;)

  2. Of course it is! Stay Tuned More To Come! Thanksd for the comment as well! ;)


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