' Hard Light takes a band of young adventurers to a system blazing with the murderous light of a red giant star. The hard-bitten novium miners of the Brightside mining station maintain the only outpost of civilization in a system filled with lethal light and stellar outlaws on the run. Will the players find the riches of the ancient asteroid sky tombs and their alien makers, or will they fall prey to the seething rebellion that boils beneath Brightside Station's steel skin?'

I dug out the Stars Without Number rpg adventure Hard Light because it's been a very long time. Hard Light is a thirty six page lower tier Science Fiction adventure that for 1-3 level PC's. This adventure has a bit of everything for encounters with Stars Without Numbers adventurers and spacers. Jordan R has a great review on Drivethrurpg from 01-25- 2017 ; "A very solid "adventure hub", perfect to start a campain, but that can also be easily integrated into an ongoing one (especially if the PCs don't have a spaceship). The 3 "sky tombs" are very different (a pirate base, a relatively lightly guarded sunken tomb, and a big one where two groups fight one another). The layout is simple yet highly functionnal : the backstory and key to a 37-rooms sky tomb fits on 4 pages, plus another one for the map; all NPCs are described on a single page (another one gets you all the combat stats) with their important motivations and ties stated (useful in play to help you recall the more in-depth descriptions given before); lots of plot hooks and complications to throw at players while they are on Brightside station; etc. The background provided, both for the tombs and the station, is just long enough to be useful to a DM : the information provided is meaty enough to help playing the NPCs and improvise when needed, but not so much that you lose yourself in details and minutiae." Bright Station is a great adventure location for the PC's to get thier feet wet within Hard Light. The alien skytombs are great for PC's who want to do some dungeon crawling within these interstellar relics. There's also the pirates who are lurking around the station. Also there's a rebellion brewing under the surface of the adventure. Hard Light is a perfect adventure to drop into Trey Causey's Strange Stars OSR campaign setting. The fact that the Hard Light adventure is an rpg tool kit & easily adaptable to the world of Strange Stars campaign setting.
There's literally nothing that can't go into the Strange Stars campaign setting. Bright Station is a great little location for a beginning group of PC's. This station has enough weirdness, encounters, etc. to keep a party busy for years. I'd throw the Bright Station right around a hyperspace gateway.
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