So the year is '86 & I'm going through a box of rpg books as gamers are apt to do. But I came across an odd little module titled the Village of Hommlet.

And it was in that same box that I came across a copy of the Dunwich Horror by HP Lovecraft. So in my mind the two locations are intertwined;
"When a
traveller in north central Massachusetts takes the wrong fork at the
junction of Aylesbury pike just beyond Dean's Corners he comes upon a
lonely and curious country.
The ground gets higher, and the brier-bordered stone walls press
closer and closer against the ruts of the dusty, curving road. The trees
of the frequent forest belts seem too large, and the wild weeds,
brambles and grasses attain a luxuriance not often found in settled
regions. At the same time the planted fields appear singularly few and
barren; while the sparsely scattered houses wear a surprisingly uniform
aspect of age, squalor, and dilapidation.
Without knowing why, one hesitates to ask directions from the gnarled
solitary figures spied now and then on crumbling doorsteps or on the
sloping, rock-strewn meadows. Those figures are so silent and furtive
that one feels somehow confronted by forbidden things, with which it
would be better to have nothing to do. When a rise in the road brings
the mountains in view above the deep woods, the feeling of strange
uneasiness is increased. The summits are too rounded and symmetrical to
give a sense of comfort and naturalness, and sometimes the sky
silhouettes with especial clearness the queer circles of tall stone
pillars with which most of them are crowned.
Gorges and ravines of problematical depth intersect the way, and the
crude wooden bridges always seem of dubious safety. When the road dips
again there are stretches of marshland that one instinctively dislikes,
and indeed almost fears at evening when unseen whippoorwills chatter and
the fireflies come out in abnormal profusion to dance to the raucous,
creepily insistent rhythms of stridently piping bull-frogs. The thin,
shining line of the Miskatonic's upper reaches has an oddly serpent-like
suggestion as it winds close to the feet of the domed hills among which
it rises.
As the hills draw nearer, one heeds their wooded sides more than
their stone-crowned tops. Those sides loom up so darkly and
precipitously that one wishes they would keep their distance, but there
is no road by which to escape them. Across a covered bridge one sees a
small village huddled between the stream and the vertical slope of Round
Mountain, and wonders at the cluster of rotting gambrel roofs
bespeaking an earlier architectural period than that of the neighbouring
region. It is not reassuring to see, on a closer glance, that most of
the houses are deserted and falling to ruin, and that the
broken-steepled church now harbours the one slovenly mercantile
establishment of the hamlet. One dreads to trust the tenebrous tunnel of
the bridge, yet there is no way to avoid it. Once across, it is hard to
prevent the impression of a faint, malign odour about the village
street, as of the massed mould and decay of centuries. It is always a
relief to get clear of the place, and to follow the narrow road around
the base of the hills and across the level country beyond till it
rejoins the Aylesbury pike. Afterwards one sometimes learns that one has
been through Dunwich.
Outsiders visit Dunwich as seldom as possible, and since a certain
season of horror all the signboards pointing towards it have been taken
down. The scenery, judged by an ordinary aesthetic canon, is more than
commonly beautiful; yet there is no influx of artists or summer
tourists. Two centuries ago, when talk of witch-blood, Satan-worship,
and strange forest presences was not laughed at, it was the custom to
give reasons for avoiding the locality."
The Dunwich Horror By HP Lovecraft 1929
The Dunwich Horror By HP Lovecraft 1929
Hommlet & Dunwich have many things in common, there are secrets upon secrets locally. The places are cursed in a certain sense of the word & twisted by their own internal poison. The land isn't right and there are ancient things about. Hommlet is the landing zoning for T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil. The door into the forbidden world of the temple.
"In the module T1 The Village of Hommlet, the player characters must defeat the raiders in a nearby fort, and thereafter Hommlet can be used as a base for the party's subsequent adventures.[1]
The adventure begins in the eponymous village of Hommlet, situated near
the site of a past battle against evil forces operating from the
Temple. The adventurers travel through Hommlet and are drawn into a web
of conspiracy and deception.
The module is recommended for first-level characters, who begin the adventure "weary, weak, and practically void of money".[3]
They travel to a town that is supposed to be a great place to earn
fortunes, defeat enemy creatures, but also to lose one's life. While the
town initially appears warm and hospitable, the characters soon learn
that many of its inhabitants are powerful spies for minions of evil.[3]

The T1 adventure stands alone, but also forms the first part of T1-4. In The Temple of Elemental Evil,
the characters start off at low level, and after establishing
themselves in Hommlet, they gradually work their way through the immense
dungeons beneath the Temple, thereby gaining experience.[1] T1 culminates in a ruined moathouse where agents secretly plan to re-enter the Temple and free the demoness Zuggtmoy, imprisoned therein. The Village of Hommlet module has been described as a beginner's scenario, which starts in the village, and leads to a nearby dungeon, while The Temple of Elemental Evil continues the adventure"
Atlach-Nacha, Spider God by KingOvRats

This of course ties in with the Dökkálfar of the Descent into the Depths of the Earth series of modules. Which is some of the weirder pulpiness of great old school gaming design. For me this module represented 70's AD&D adventure location design at its finest, that is it gives you the location & its inhabitant monsters. This can be done by tying in the moat house dungeon with the underworld of D1-2 or linking in some of the adventure plot elements into the Village of Hommlet itself. Personally I've used the village as the adventure link in the over all plot chain.

I've hooked up part of the plot of Against the Giants with several of the were rats that were encountered in that module who were also working for the Dr erm the Dökkálfar who were part of the plot of King Snurre. This in turn hooks back in with the cults and NPC's of the moat house dungeon. Again there's a sense that this was a part of the underworld of dead gods, post 'Old Earth survivor monsters, mutants and more.

All of this gets back into the creating an underworld linked to both Hyperborea & Old Earth but that's another blog entry coming up soon.
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