Sunday, February 23, 2025

Diving into the Arduin Underworld - OSR Commentary On Winds of Chance (Arduin Grimoire volume 8) By David A. Hargrave

  " Once again, Dave Hargrave presents a wealth of information concerning the Arduin campaign setting including the Gods of Arduin, overviews of 67 major/minor religions and detailed descriptions of the “Tri-Moon Cults”, “Brotherhood of Blood” and the “Church of HIM”!"

"Also featured are detailed biographies of Arduin’s most famous and notorious personalities including members of the infamous Black Lotus Society, Thieves & Assassins Guilds, Arduin Nobles and Major Siege Lords, Dream Weavers (a new player class) , notable personalities from the Arduin II campaign and famous Player Characters!" 

I've written about Winds of Chance (Arduin Grimoire volume 8) By David A. Hargrave before on this blog. Winds of Change is one of the most critical books on the  Arduin campaign. Why? Because of the fact that we  detailed biographies of Arduin’s most famous and notorious personalities including members of the infamous Black Lotus Society, Thieves & Assassins Guilds, Arduin Nobles and Major Siege Lords. We also we get the low down on the illegal drugs of Arduin which have ties to all of the major criminal organization described. 
We also get the low down on 'real world animals' and poisons of that these animals use. These poisons also have implications to assassinations and murders. 
These guilds and powers are intimitately connected to the royal families &  royals of Arduin. All of the above twist into the Black Lotus society & this secret organization is threaded throughout Arduin society. The point of religion which is central to the Arduin campaign setting & we get a very good overview of the gods. Religion is central to these power structures on Arduin. 
We also get two cults  on the cult of Him and 'The Brotherhood of Blood'. And the latter cult is infact one of the most dangerous and unquiet armies of undeath on Arduin. The Brotherhood of Blood is a part of the goddess of Lyrra (goddess of undeath, destruction, blood,etc.). And this cult is one of the most dangerous on Arduin! It's a soul destroying, town devouring, horror that is on the move on Arduin. The Brotherhood of Blood is also outlawed everywhere on Arduin. And yet this cult seems to be growing according to the article in 'Winds of Change'
Then we get new magic items, ritual magic, spells, & the Dreamweaver class. But the real focus of 'Winds of Change' seems to be how the underworld and criminal elments of Arduins ties together. 
And it's the lesser elements of the thieves guild and organizations that PC's are going to interact with. Arduin seems to be a campaign world where all levels of society interact with each other but the social fabric really involves the PC's social standing very much. 
Arduin seems to be a campaign world where adventure elements fold into each other. Taken as a whole this makes Arduin a very rich and well rounded campaign setting from the ground up. 

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