Friday, February 21, 2025

Meeting In Xylac - Castles & Castles rpg & The CAS Zothique Campaign- Session Report Two

 The PC's were able to get to the tomb of Ethiusu where a copy of a necromatic tome called the Books of Ethiusu which contains the secrets of time and space is held. We picked up from the last session on the blog here. The desert sands were very unkind to the adventurers when a strange strange sand storm blew up. We were using the desert survival rules from the Castles & Crusades Castle Keeper's Guide.

Clark Ashton Smith - ZOTHIQUE.(Ballantine Books 1970)

The tomb was open and surrounded by ruins of the former kingdom of Ethiusu. The tomb was open and well maintained?! The player's PC's were expecting a dungeon crawl situation. But instead were invited into the tomb by Wi'reda the priest guardian. He invited them to an early evening supper. And the player's PC's were skeptical but went along with him. And he drugged the party! So it came to pass that the party found themselves tied to several stone blocks Wi'reda was sharpening a set of sacrifical knives. Zeller the Astounding the party's thief and tomb robber got himself free and then got his brother  Zargo the Spellweaver also free who then fire balled Wi'reda in short order. Wi'reda shed his human disguise revealing himself to be a weaver demon who was bound to the tomb. Wi'reda is demon bound by his mistress  ALILA “Queen of perdition and goddess of all iniquities”. 
Wi'reda fought the party to a bit of a stand still with the group's warrior priest Nevel The Just went about giving the demon a bit of a bloody nose only to get hit with rather nasty fire ball of his own! He was dragged away by the party's cleric Thona The Hammer.  Thona stablized Nevel but he's going to need a hospital. Weiman the Walker of Deserts the party's ranger bargained with the demon for two souls in exchange for leaving the tomb after 10,000 years. The demon agreed as long as it was sooner rather then later or he would take the ranger's soul to feast on for eternity. 
We recovered  
the Books of Ethiusu which contains the secrets of time and space for our client. Just as we were leaving our party was attacked by bandits!

Will the demon keep it's bargain with our party of 'heroes'?! Or will the ranger's soul be devoured?! This is of course Zothique and all magick is foul and black!

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