Friday, February 21, 2025

New Flesh Rpg & William Hope Hodgeson's Nightland rpg Session Report Two


 The PC's almost couldn't cope when the darkness creeped across the landscape and the monsters began to wake up.We lost two operatives last night as the Humpted men closed in on the player's PC's. These things were raving and sobbering humanoid horrors. This picks right up from the last session here on the blog. 
And I saw how that the Humped Men did seem to be humpt by reason of their being so monstrous thick and mighty of the neck and the shoulder, as that they had been human bulls. And I saw that they were very strong, and by the speed of their climbing, I knew they were swift…” – Ch. 9, “The Dark Pyramid”

 The Humpted Men followed them behind the party almost getting taken and they got two of the PC's who were dragged into the darkness. The party moved on & they found that they were being tracked by an unknown force.The PC's scambled to find a volcanic tube while spraying machine gun fire everytime they heard foot falls. They found the lava tubes and checked the tubes for monsters and found one that was clear. The PC's wanted a better look at what they were up against. 
The party's psionic opened herself up to the influence of the Nightland! This was a bad idea as she was overwhelmed in the incredibly bad influences of the Dark Forces of the Nightland. The PC made her saving throw and was able to shake off these dark influences before she was possessed! 
Our adventurers are a diverse group of New Flesh rpg  party members & they are on a mission to get the technologies of the Nightland. They are facing down the evolved remains of mutant races from Interzone who are now the monsters of the Nightlands. 
Deep in the lavatube they found a ton of obsidian arrows from the bows of the Humpted men. These arrows could penatrate most modern body armor. 
The party has moved several boulders into the front of the lava tube. The party survived the night with two guards on the tube's enterance. 
Outside there were literally dozens of humanoid horrors. These horrors were out there until the red sun rose. The party have fed thier bio implants and then ate thier own food supplies. They were able to cycle out thier guards and they got some sleep. They heard another railed city pulling into the area. The party started toward the railed city and then were attacked by the advanced city guards. The party were shocked by the railed city guards! We ended with the party retreating. Our game ended here!
The Nightland book is a prime resource for our campaign and we're  filled in wasteland & mutant  details using The Red Room's Wretched Apocalpyse Second Edition. 

The PC's were able to send a couple of corpses and artifacts of the Humpted me back through the temporal wormhole that the party came through. The party came across a small metallic book that they sent back down the time travel stream. 

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