Friday, February 14, 2025

OSR Review & Commentary On Malcon's Tome of Magic Volume Two by Malcon The Fire Bringer & Joseph Mohr Adapted to The Castles & Crusades rpg

The ancient Lich Malcon the Fire Bringer brings you his next installment. This tome includes many new magic items for your campaign. There are many new class specific items to reward your dungeon delvers with after a hard fought expedition into the depths. "

"Additionally there are a handful of new artifiacts and relics to test the foolhardy adventurers who would try to bend these things to their will. "

Malcon's Tome of Magic Volume Two by Malcon The Fire Bringer & Joseph Mohr  is the latest title that I was looking through for our Castles & Crusades rpg campaign. Why?! Because more then two of my players have ordered from Troll Lord Games. So they know thier way around Castles & Crusades rpg and the supplements. They don't know thier way around this thirty four page supplement for OSRIC. Troll Lord Games Castles & Crusades is designed too work with older resources and this includes the magic items. 

Malcon's Tome of Magic Volume Two  has a ton of magic items that can be easily inserted into an on going campaign. These are dangerous, devious, and full of deviltry because they were created by a lich with a fire theme. 
These magic items finding thier way into a dungeon on C&C Aihrde campaign setting. Because of the fire lich theme! The layout is good, the font is readable, the pay what you want price works. There's also several interesting artifacts that can be hooked into the background of Aihrde's world easily. 
Could Malcon be a former servant of the Red Lord whose broken free of the control of his evil god. Is he going to be friend or foe for the PC's?! 
Malcon's Tome of Magic Volume Two is about as generic as you want so that the DM can customize it thier own C&C campaigns. I think Joseph Mohr has done an excellent job of taking a simple concept and tailoring it to the OSR scene. 

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