Sunday, February 23, 2025

OSR Commentary On Clark Ashton Smith’s 'The Charnel God' & Castles & Crusades rpg campagning.

 "Mordiggian is the god of Zul-Bha-Sair," said the innkeeper with unctuous solemnity. "He has been the god from years that are lost to man's memory in shadow deeper than the subterranes of his black temple. There is no other god in Zul-Bha-Sair. And all who die within the walls of the city are sacred to Mordiggian. Even the kings and the optimates, at death, are delivered into the hands of his muffled priests. It is the law and the custom. A little while, and the priests will come for your bride."

"The Charnel God" is a short story by American author Clark Ashton Smith as part of his Zothique cycle, and first published in the March 1934 issue of Weird Tales." according to 'The Charnel God's wiki entry. The god of Zul-Bha-Sair, Mordiggian. Mordiggian devours all the dead in the kingdom and his reach is not to be questioned. 
This is something that my player's PC's found out while visiting the kingdom of Zul-Bha-Sair last year. In the story the young doctor braves everything to save his bride who has been taken by Mordiggan & his bronze masked and stone  faced priests. He ends up saving her our PC's were not so fortunate. They were seeking to have one of thier own resurrected & this was taken as an insult by Mordiggan's dangerous priests. "All who die in Zul-Bha-Sair are the property of Mordiggian," insisted the taverner sententiously. "Outlanders are not exempt. The dark maw of his temple yawns eternally, and no man, no child, no woman, throughout the years, has evaded its yawning. All mortal flesh must become, in due time, the provender of the god." according to the CAS story and they mean it. This reach of the priests of Mordiggan extends unto the surrounding kingdoms around Zul-Bhar-Sair. These kingdoms are riddled with man made tunnels from which the priests of Mordiggan come and go. Major spoilers ahead. 

These minor kingdoms along with Zul-Bhar-Sair border the Wastes of Celotian a trackless expanse of sand and horror only dotted with a few temples dedicated to Mordiggan himself. The area is also home to a very elaborate and well defined society of ghouls. These ghouls are former humanity who have evolved into highly intelligent beings and dangerous clerics of Mordiggan.

These priests have infilitrated every level of Zothique society within thier kingdoms. Why? Because they can keep plagues and thier economy stable all based on the feasts of the dead.  
For adventurers these kingdoms are a no go for dungeon crawling however  the Wastes of Celotian are open season. Why?! These extensive wastelands are the demon haunted home of tons of ruins and dungeons. These wastelands are also home to tones of demons, powerful undead, and even vampire lords. All of these are on the menu for Mordiggan and his priests. There may be some cooperation and treaties between these powerful forces. 
The dungeons in these areas can be prime material for dungeon masters using Castles & Crusades Engineering Dungeons & Castles. 

 The DM has full reign to create mega dungeons, full on temple complexes and more. These places are millions of years in the future and there's no holding back in Zothique. The cemetary world is perfect for those who want extensive ruins and mini dungeons run rampid. The monsters here in the wastes surrounding the Zul-Bhar-Sair border area  the Wastes of Celotian are home to major & minor demons, hybrid tribes of lamia, genii, undead, and worse. 

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