Monday, February 3, 2025

Ceres Contraband -- The Long Shadow of The Zaibatsu rpg by Paul Elliot From Zozer Games Session One

 'You have one hundred years removed from your sentences', the chirpy robot's voice echoes through the former luxury appartment on the Mexico/Texas border 'Free Enterprise Zone'. The warehouse was completely checked out by our cybersneaks. This session picks up with our heroes deep in the clutches of the cartels. Last time we were shown the contraband from Ceres. This session picks up from here on the blog. 

Our heroes planted two homers for the corporate forces to come in. And do some clean up after they met two of the heads of the local snake heads. 

There are other warehouses within the city & we haven't found them.. yet. The party was able to get outta of there with mininum fuss. There's a ton of officers and soldiers of the cartels. 
They were heavily armed but why?! Sure there's the contraband but then we saw them. A Ceres slicer queen was held within a biological specimen holding cell. These horrors were found on ruins on Ceres 14 years ago during the first recession. They wiped out the entire expediation. The general population of Earth is unaware of the alien species. The corporations are aware of them. These slicers secrete a highly addictive hormone to attractive prey animals for baby's first meal. These horrors should not be on Earth! They're outlawed on every nation on Earth. 
Our party planted miro explosives all over the ware house to have the corporate forces do clean up. Our cybersneaks warned us about the bigger bosses of the cartels coming in. This might meet that we've had our cover blown! Fortunately we bluffed our way out just as the cartel bosses came in. And then the explosives were triggered. 
Our next task is to locate those other warehouses and then do a deep dive into the other tendrils of the cartel. We regrouped back at our apartment. 

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