Sunday, January 19, 2025

OSR Commentary - The Long Shadow of The Zaibatsu rpg by Paul Elliot From Zozer Games Session One

 The PC's are called into the 'Free Enterprise' zones on the Texas/Mexico border on Earth. The PC's have been placed within the sphere of the snake heads and the cartels of this disputed regiion. The PC's are agents acting for the corporation. 

The PC's are positioned to look over any contraband that comes through   the 'Free Enterprise' zones on the Texas/Mexico border. This session picks right up from here on the blog.
I had the PC's mix it up with some cartel soldiers and thugs from rival houses. They earned the ire of the rival houses after making life difficult for the PC's. 
Corporate assets swooped in and cleaned up after the PC's. The party started back traking the rival house's warehouses and assets. 
The party had 20 years knocked off of thier sentences and had to check in with thier robotic parol officier.  
Then it was back into the grind as a local snake head rival met with the PC's about a new shipment of contraband coming into the local space center. We secured a meeting for that night. 

The warehouse shuttles came in. And we were meeting with a local representive to secure a buying position. 
We wanted to examine the merchandise before we put down any money into this. 
This wasn't our cash but the nano bombs in our brains were itching. 
We got to  the warehouse sector and things looked normal. We had weapons stowed in our ride. We had sidearms on us and began the meeting with two vat grown clone warriors. They were grown muscle for the cartels.. 
We were escorted through two strange and alien drug factories. Inside two longer warehouse spaces we found eighteen rows of strange egglike plants.  
The last time our player's PC's saw something like this was wayout on the Outer void. These egg like plants give off a strange blue white liquid drug. We had our cybersneaks trailing our every move and building up a profile of this smuggling operation. We ended here. 

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