Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Review & Commentary On Castles & Crusades Adventurers Backpack For The Castles & Crusades rpg

 "Adventurers Backpack is a book designed for the player, introducing a wealth of content to expand your player experience, but also your character’s survivability! Within you’ll find:

  • 13 new classes
  • mountains of spells for all classes
  • counter spells and spell duels
  • bandages and healing
  • a fresh easy-to-use approach to unarmed combat
  • war mounts
  • rune magic
  • a new look at pole arms."

"Backpacks for Every Campaign

But more than that, Adventurers Backpack delivers a new, innovative approach to equipment and equipping your character. There are 34 unique backpacks complete with all the equipment your character will need! Each backpack comes with cost, weight and encumbrance value. The backpacks cover it all. There are class-based backpacks for all character classes, general purpose backpacks for dungeons and overland, and special purpose packs such as the medic or dungeon mappers pack. Equipping your character was never so easy."

Castles & Crusades Adventurers Backpack is one of those C&C rpg titles that I've been hemming & hawing about for years. Do I need another supplement with tons of player PC options. Do I need another equipment book and another book with the planes in it plus new spell and magic items. The Adventurer's Backpack covers this all and a bit more. 
The first part of the Adventurer's Backpack is the 13 new character classes which have been featured elsewhere in the past. What this supplement does is update them and put them into one place. We get an overview and placement of these classes. Easy to use or discard depending upon the needs of your players or your campaign. 

From here we slide into the equipment & backpack section which is customized for backpacks and equipment for every character & campaign types. This allows a DM or a play to drop equipped characters into a campaign right away! 

There's a literaly ton of spells and counter spells for many of the spell using PC classes. These are all optional and that should be used with care for your campaign. Then we dive into pole arms and thier uses. This is an article that hits all of the right Gary Gygax buttons. Then there's tools for DM's to customize thier own campaign from planar travels and adventuring. On the whole Castles & Crusades Adventurers Backpack is a highly optional but highly useful supplement. While the rules & articles that appear within this supplement have appeared elsewhere. The Castles & Crusades Adventurers Backpack brings everything into one useful tool box for both dungeon master and players. 

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