Saturday, January 18, 2025

Review & Commentary On Double Feature This Old House & Sweet Sernade For The Wretched Rpg or The Red Rpg

 "This Double Feature includes two horror adventures easily used without any preparation if you mean to run them in Wretched Darkness, Darker RPG or any other contemporary horror game. With some adaptation you can run them in Wretched Époque, Gothic or other games set in the not-so-distant past (49 pages)"

Double Feature is a very exploitable beast of a set of horror adventures! What the Hell I'm I talking about here?! Well right out of the gate 'The Old House' is both an adventure and a tool kit for creating haunted house horror adventures. The adventure begs player's PC's to explore this haunted manor or mansion. Why? Because you're trapped there. 
There's got to be a way out right?! Yes and no, right out of the gate this adventure is more and less then it seems because through a series of random tables, encounters, etc. the DM builts a random haunted location. And this place wants to eat the PC's souls if it can! There are tons of tools to get the players on board. 
And it goes down hill from there. For the PC's of a Wretched rpg or Darker this isn't anything new because your folks are anti heroes at the best of times. Add in a family treasure or rumor of treasure and your ready to go! 
The Old House is well written and provides a good solid layout, easy to read fonts, and serveral keyed in adventure locations with 'The Old House'. This bleeds into the next adventure 'A Sweet Sernade' is a full on vampire centric adventure. According to the introduction; "This scenario plunges player characters into a blood-drinking, mystery, and intrigue set against the backdrop of a modern metropolis. While vampiric society plays a central role, the material adapts easily to any modern horror setting or system." A Sweet Sernade is begging for an intrigue and mystery element which then shifts into a full blown action adventure. The gang aspect and factional elements within this adventure are fully embraced for OSR play. 
And these two adventures are exploitative for two reasons, one they both pull the PC's into them. And these adventure can turn on a dime on the player's PC's. If the player's are stupid then they die end of story. 
Here's the skinny, Double Feature This Old House & Sweet Sernade are perfectly suited for modern OSR campaign play especially for The Wretched Darkness second edition setting. 
These two adventures plug deeply into themes that the Wretched Darkness second edition campaign setting established. Could Double Feature work for the Darker rpg?! Absolutely it could with little modification. 
These adventures scream Wretched Darkness second edition to me in spades. They plug into the Beyond easily and hit the factional high notes established within the vampiric world of the Wretched rpg. 
Could Double Feature work for the Gothic rpg?! Yes easily and then some because these two rpg adventure plug into the undercoat of the Gothic rpg games themes. 
And they could easily plug into 
 Wretched Époque but it might take some modification on the DM's part. 
The first thing I would do is get rid of the cell phone and internet capabilities of the modern era. Drop in the fact that the party is in for a rough ride with Double Feature and then exploit the Hell outta of the player's PC's. Double Feature is a well done set of book ends of an experienced or novice group of  Red Room players. 

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