Sunday, February 16, 2025

OSR Review & Commentary On Adtherpe's Natural Materials By Chuck Cumbow For Castles & Crusades Rpg

Adtherpe the Spontaneous collected all sorts of information on the multi-verse, its natural resources and the numerous creatures that inhabit it. Within this small tome he has included knowledge on their locations, composition, and the valuable materials they can provide. Also included are notes and recipes for using and crafting herbal mixtures, alchemical compounds, and guidance on harvesting the valuable materials needed for them. A sample of useful material that will enhance any gamemaster’s table!"

  Adtherpe's Natural Materials By Chuck Cumbow  is a twenty page book   has included knowledge on their locations, composition, and the valuable materials they can provide for using and crafting herbal mixtures, alchemical compounds, and guidance on harvesting the valuable materials. While Adtherpe's Natural Materials clocks in at twenty pages, there needs to be more. More material, more natural materials, etc. within this supplement. This supplement's shortcomings is highlighted by Andre's discussion from January 13th 2024; "Is there any chance for us to get a complete list of the table 3.3 Creature Material Index sampling? I really like the idea of harvesting mosnters for their parts, but the table seems to have only a few monsters. And the tables 3.1 and 3.2 for common harveting don't necessary explain the logic behind the prices for monster parts. Having a follow up in this would be greatly appreciared" So Adtherpe's Natural Materials needs a follow up for the monster & creature materials. What's within Adtherpe's Natural Materials is a great complement for Castles & Crusades Adventurers Spellbook.

Why?! Because these materials and compounds are going to be perfect for Alchemy and spell casting.  Castles & Crusades Adventurers Spellbook has a huge number of spells and Adtherpe's Natural Materials dovetails right into the background of a Castles & Crusades campaign. 
Wizard & magic guilds are going to be paying a preminum for many of the items found within Adtherpe's Natural Materials . With this being said I'd wait until Drivethrurpg has a sale to grab Adtherpe's Natural Materials.

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