So we got together and decided to continue our Wretched Country 2nd edition and Gunslinger rpg game mini campaign. So getting together last night with friends we got a chance to take the Gunslinger rules set for a spin out in Hellstone Arazona. The locals have been having a problem with monsters from someplace else. That some place happened to be Cha'alt. We had a full posse of six guns in our party but we needed more!
And this is where things go complete off the rails. We weren't expecting an ambush! A whole ton of Cha'alt bandits ambushed us in the canyon.
Laser fire and blaster fire rained down on our PC's! And we lost one of our braves to the hot death from our other wordly foes!
The other brave 'White Feather' swore vengenece and crawled along the outer wall of the canyon with knife in hand. He made it too the bandits camp but a bad roll got him captured! The bandits on the other hand were breaking out hover skifts and were actually slavers as White Feather found a family of homesteaders in cages at the camp. He broke out and took a blaster along with the ammo pack after watching the bandit reload his. Don't forget that Venger's got his own Kickstarter on for 'How To Design Worlds Like a Fucking Boss' over here.
And this is where our engineer brought out his patented 'Phasic detector' to look for an 'otherworldly doorway in the ether'. And he got a solid reading on a possible doorway pointing towards the other end of Scorpion Canyon. We got bush wacked by two other bandits armed with heavier weapons. Three more sticks of dynamite took care of that problem! And now we're outta of dynamite! And of course this is where the dark wizard shows up and that's where we ended!
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