Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Review & Commentary On Subsector Sourcebook: Adroanzi By John Watts For The Earth Sector & Clement Sector Rpg's

 "Named for a group of nature and guardian spirits in Lugbara mythology, Adroanzi is the only fully settled subsector in Earth Sector which has no colonies founded by one of the nation-states of Earth. The subsector is considered by most in Earth Sector to be the beginning of the frontier when heading into Fjarron Sector, Sacrament Sector, or Ophelia Sector. Adroanzi is home to a single multi-system interstellar polity, the Antiochian Union. The worlds, banding together to stave off a perceived threat from Earth’s nations, are the only worlds in Earth Sector which have populations that are majority uplift or altrant. The worlds of Adroanzi were mainly founded by mining concerns as well as those looking to escape Earth for one reason or another. The populations of these worlds are quite low with some worlds in other subsectors, indeed some cities, having a larger population than the entirety of Adroanzi Subsector"

One thing I've learned as an Earth Sector or  Clement Sector DM is that one can never truly have enough subsector books for the Cepheus Engine powered 2d6 setting. And Subsector Sourcebook: Adroanzi By John Watts is a highly independant subsector book in Space Western style 2d6 Science Fiction game. We've talked about the Space Western theme that runs right through the Earth & Clement sector rpg's. But  Subsector Sourcebook: Adroanzi By John Watt takes it that extra light year or three because these are literally worlds founded on the edge of the black. This time these worlds are highly independant and sparsely populated. This isn't to say that the  : Adroanzi subsector isn't interesting! Far from it. 
These are folks who value thier independence from Earth and are more then willing to fight against the nation states of Earth. These are the Earth's opposition and there's plenty of room to make money, lay claim, and carve out an empire under the noses of the corporate overlords of Earth.  
Given the ratio of uplifted animal & alterants populations of this subsector vs the Earthlings out here the thought of being entirely independant from Earth makes a lot of sense. There's a lot of history between Earth and this subsector. 
And there's a sense reading through John Watt's writing that there's a lot of water under the bridge between Earth & the Adroanzi systems. John Watt's writing is on point here and there's plenty of adventure opportunities for a group of like minded adventurers with a star ship and subsector to exploit. 
The history, layout, font style are all on point and up to Independence Games standards. And the  Subsector Sourcebook: Adroanzi By John Watt does a great time of creating a solid & highly dangerous sourcebook that feeds directly into the quality of Independence Games materials. Do yourselves a favor and grab a copy of  Subsector Sourcebook: Adroanzi By John Watts. 

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