"An alien sorcerer crawls to a lone stone at the edge of the universe & calls upon the power of unrivaled fury!
The space & dimensional ways quake with the stirrings of an ancient power & the ley lines at the ends of the universe buckle under the pure power of cosmic might. He calls upon ancient pacts & demons flow to his side from the darkest of places on the small rock. His form wracks & changes sex several times as reality cracks around the wizard's body. Then his body reassembles itself with the with the arcane cosmic powers & might!
Five spells floated in his mind's eye with red horror & spiritual promises. Now his revenge could begin. His mandibles & teeth clicked with the resemblance of a smile. "
The time is ripe for the OSR to remember the occult powers of Space Age Sorcery! The Garrisons of Hereticworks & I created some awesome spells of cosmic power & potential for your old school games wayback in the mists of time from 2013 as a free pdf.

But now I find myself once again turning to "Lovecraftian Space Opera" & its time to get back to work on using these twisted creations within my own OSR hybrid games. These spell would be perfect for something like Dungeon Crawl Classics or your own home games. So here are five brand new spells from my own home campaigns completely compatible with Space Age Sorcery!
Can't Stop The Signal Mal
Spell Level: Cleric level 1st/Magic User 2
Range: 240 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Caster calls down an explosive combination of transcosmic EMP & radio waves to disrupt & damage the electrical systems of anyone or anything within a twenty foot radius. The target must save vs spells or take 1d6 points of static & trans electrical damage. Any technological devices caught within the spell must save or stop working as the power supply is shorted out. The caster may create a taunt or insult within the blast of no less then 140 characters heard only by the target.
Flight Of Spectral Phoenix
Spell level: 2nd Level Cleric/3rd Level Magic User
Duration: 1d6 turns
The caster calls upon the trans cosmic power of the great fire bird of the planes & two flaming wings appear upon the caster's back. These wings do 1d4 points of damage per turn to anyone caught within them. They allow the caster to hover & fly as a hawk for 1d6 turns. But anyone seeing these wings will be affected as per a fear spell as they recognize the power of the entity providing this spell's power. Each time it is cast the Spectral Phoenix gains more of a toe hold upon the soul of the caster which will eventually have dire ramifications.
Transcosmic Trans Teleportation
Spell Level: Magic User 3rd/Cleric 2nd
Range: 240 ft.
Duration: 1d8 light years
This spell calls down the power of the cosmic planar guardians allowing the cleric or magic user to transmit their atoms across space & time 1d8 light years almost instantly. There is a strange swirling of cosmic energies effect that manifests around the caster or his target which must make a save vs spells. There is a 1 in 6 chance that a transcosmic demon or gremlin may manifest should this spell be abused by the caster.
Claws of the Ether Demon
Spell Level: Magic User 3rd/Cleric 2
Range: self
Duration: 1d6 turns
The wizard or cleric summons in the cold Hell music of the dead universes unto themselves where the Ether Demons play with the dead gods & alien corpses of demons from previous incarnations of the universes.
The power of absolute nihilism manifests around the caster's hands allowing them to gain +3 damage against any technological & or manifestation of Order. The price is 2 points of subdual damage to their hands as the emotional trauma warps their souls. Targets hit by the claws of the ether demons must save vs spells or be affected by crippling & suicidal depression as their actual place in the universe is revealed for 1d6 days after the attack.
Spell Level: Magic User 2nd/Cleric 1st
Range: self
Duration: 1d4 days
The caster summons & takes on the semblance of a space whale. The caster's Charisma becomes -4 as they take on all of the abilities & powers of the space leviathans. Their armor class drops by two & they can gain sustenance from the light waves & trans cosmic energies of space itself. Their senses are bombarded with the alien input of the space lanes as the holy power of the Grand Space Whale sustains them. Space & all its problems will not effect the caster for the spells duration but there is a 2% chance of the caster remaining as half breed space whale when the spell ends.

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