The real problem comes from the dangerous & toxic pseudo elemental planes that these gigantic pieces of debris have passed through. They pose little threat to the deadly inhabitants of these strange lands but can be dire to any humanoid life they encounter. Chaos beasts, pseudo Gen, demons, & strange will o wisp beings have all been encountered among these space junk lands. Anyone even thinking of visiting such a place must have protection or risk dying within 4 rounds of exposure to these poisonous alien atmospheres. There are rumors among certain dark occultists of dimensional or planar gateways for these places opening within ruins or old dungeons.
1d6 Weird & Unexpected Space Junk Lands Encounter Table
- The Deathless Prison - Once a penal colony for the demons of the lowest viberational darkness this place of the damned boasts some of the most dangerous undead imaginable. There is a 80% chance of encountering wraiths,shadows, or alien mummies when this space junk land makes orbit. The atmosphere here is acidic & toxic & anyone coming upon it must save vs poison or choke to death as their skin begins to melt from the inside out. There are valuable alien treasures here from the beginning of time however & many foo erm adventurers are drawn here. Anytime this place orbits a planet 1d100 undead will exit the place to make planet fall.
- The Dreaming Head - This titanic head of some ancient & forgotten god is the home to one of the most dangerous parasitical ecological systems known. There are literally thousands of dangerous monsters that inhabit this place from alien blood thirsty ogres to oozes of all stripes. There are also ancient science station ruins from a wide variety of alien races set up to warn those who come near the place. Once every eleven orbital trips the Dreaming Head will consume a planet. The Dreaming Ones are a faction of monsters that scout forward 1d4 light years for the head's inhabitants to raid habitual planets.
- The Stomach of OM - This planet sized stomach once belonged to a deranged god from some ancient future. The thing now serves as a roving alien space craft for the most insane cosmic entities imaginable!? There are endless varieties of alien demons that call this home. Anyone foolish enough to visit this place is subjected to 1d4 points of damage per round when they encounter the atmosphere of this place. The stomach has 1d8 minor demonoids that will scout for suitable places for it to extinguish the contents & waste upon a world including a demonic invading army.
- The Low Point - Once the home to a proud but alien race of humans this place has become locked in the lowest viberational Hellscape imaginable. Anyone caught within its grasp must make a save or wands roll to not be caught within its time locked vistas. The place looks as if it a scene from some painting of ancient Greece or Rome but infact is the home to several races of toothsome negative planar demons who feed on the life forces of anyone foolish enough to visit. There are however several incredible treasures & legendary relics still there. The land is drawn to life producing planets as a matter of course.
- Turnman's Fulcrum - This is an ancient piece of some giagantic planet sized machine that is inhabited by elementals of many stripes but all are insane. The thing malfunctions causing it to exhaust toxic gases & para elemental demons. There are several incredibly valuable space craft that have become stuck to the side of the fulcrum. Several tribes of aliens & humans call the place home & use it to mine for valuable asteroids as it wheels through space. They will murder anyone who causes them to cease work as the Fulcrum goes about its business.
- The Planetoid of Russ - This planetoid is not as it appears but a gigantic collection of several alien lifeforms all bound up around the cosmic consciousness of a dire bound lich wizard. It will produce 1d10 per round guardian alien wraiths but its sought out for its vast array of ancient arcane power crystals worth 5000 gold pieces each. The thing seeks planets out to consume their natural resources. Russ is an evil & vindictive god lich.
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