HP Lovecraft The Whisperer in Darkness September 1930

The treasures & relics of the vastness of space are not something that the greedy trans cosmic space ways readily give up within the realm of the nine planets. These places are guarded by horrors drawn to the scent of occult power & the promise of the flesh of our planes. Relics & bits of ancient civilizations & rare occult artifacts of power still lie in the remote vastness of space & our own solar system.

Many of these treasures & relics were lost when the wars broke out between our universe & those from beyond who hungered at the gateway for that which they could not have. These treasures often bare the taint of those early wars with strange & weird curses of occult & supernatural power. These powers often manifest within 1d6 days & can cause chaos or Lovecraftian mutations of a most dire type. There is a 5% chance that prolonged exposure to these relics can cause a 'living cancer' to manifest within 1d6 months of owning one of these treasures. Powerful super science treatments costing thousands of credits may haul the progress of occult diseases created by the owning of these objects. Only a remove curse or cure light wounds spell may relieve the symptoms of these mutations. But even this does not dissuade relic hunters, pirates, & adventurers from the hunt for these valuables. Many of these objects also contain valuable information or other weird occult abilities that outweigh the risks to life & sanity.
1d10 Trans Cosmic Treasures of the
Void For Your Old School Campaigns
- Jeweled Head of The Mi Go Queen - This valuable treasure is worth a cool 10000 gold pieces or 20,000 credits to any occultist or mad scientist. This is the fossilized head of the 8th cycle queen of the Mi Go queen of Saturn. This head can cast 1d6 1st,2nd, & even 3rd level black magic spells once per day. The head will also telepathically answer any question put it by its owner but it often lies with sanity shattering answers. Writ all across the head are numerous sanity blasting formula & void shattering runes. These are powerful invocations that contain strange fundamental understandings of the planes. There is a 5 % chance that a scientist or wizard may make an occult or mad science break through reading these thing. There is a 1% chance of a random demon appearing when they are read aloud.
- Satan's Nose Ring - This strange red & green artifact was found at the heart of a dead star. The thing enables its owner to gain entry into a strange trans planar gateway dimension. The owner may gain forbidden knowledge of other alternative versions of themselves gaining 1 new PC level. But they will begin to be hunted by the hounds of time & a very jealous version of themselves that is actually a soul devouring life form given their abilities & powers. These will not manifest for 1d4 months of game time. The ring is a fist sized ruby of pure clarity worth 100000 gold pieces or 10000 credits but there is also an alien cult that wants it back.
- The Globe of Val Droon - This strange globe is made from the concentrated occult energies of the corpse of an 'Outer One' & it allows its owner to make a flawless teleportation 5 times per day. The dead mind of the Outer One interfaces with the owner & violently wracks out the incredible alien mathematics for these teleports. The owner is not aware that a tiny portion of their own mind is added to the undead state of this god thing & eventually it will manifest. There is 20% chance that the owner will gain 1d6 random chaos mutations should an emergency teleportation be needed. The owner will not be aware that they be taking on the minor characteristics in their own personality of the god as well for the Globe is like a drug. A save vs wands must be made every two weeks to avoid these effects. Still the globe is highly prized for it allows its owner to remove any parasites or foreign alien hosts or diseases by surgical teleportation once every week. The god thing only demands a murder for this wonderful ability. The globe is priceless & many will want to posses it.
- Eyes of The Witch Lord - This incredible pair of cybernetic alien eyes were lost during the height of the war with the Great Race of Yith. They allow one to see deep into the gathering gloom of time & to once per week alter the destiny of a minor event. The eyes can stare into the soul of a target & allow one to take a bit of the target's life force doing 1d6 points of damage without any visible violence. The target must save vs wands or be shaken to their core as the sanity shattering rend of space & time becomes visible to their minds. The eyes also have 1d4 other hidden powers & the Mi Go will seek the return of these devices for they are a trophy from their throne world. They are worth 10000 gold pieces or 4000 credits for these things are rumored to be cursed because of the murders & 'accidents' associated with them.
- Hand of The Hound Thing - This jeweled hand allows its owner to reach into the ether between universes & strum the mad music of the Outer Ones. The owner's life force joins with the spawn of the Outer Ones for 1d6 turns allowing one to do 1d8 points of damage to everyone within a 20 foot radius. The owner's mind joins with the mindless beyond the Pale. They will gain 1d4 trans cosmic & insane theoretic insights but there is a 10% chance that they may awaken one of the bigger spawn demon things that guard these forbidden places. The owner is also subjected to 1d6 minor temporary insanities using this device. The device is often found encrusted with the remains of its previous owners as it has a tendency to absorb them as a sacrifice to the Outer Ones. The thing is worth a cool 20000 gold pieces to any mad wizard associated with the Outer Gods. Few adventurers are crazy enough to buy this thing but there are collectors who will pay this thing but its worth 6000 to 10000 credits within the right market.
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