"The driving concept in the creation of The Abbernoth Campaign Setting has been what I have come to refer to as understated fantasy, the idea that magick isn’t overt or common and that heroes and villains are believable characters who are exceptional not necessarily for their preternatural strength or abilities, but rather for their actions and their deeds. My goal has been to present a high fantasy setting in a recognizable and relatable way in a world that is wholly believable and internally consistent. I sincerely hope that this humble work is well received and that the Westerlands will be enjoyed by you, dear reader, as much as it is for this humble author. So welcome to Abbernoth and may the sun shine down upon you as you travel its roads, and my the shadows be forever kept at bay…"

I'm used to Rifts & Gamma World style game campaigns but Abbernoth Campaign Setting is a whole cloth different ball game. The Abbernoth Campaign Setting is a seriously good high fantasy campaign setting for forth edition Castles & Crusades that now includes Updated campaign setting document, new Gazetteer for the land of Calderland and a new large map of the Westerlands.
Believe me when I say that the Abbernoth Campaign Setting has what I'm looking for in spades; a completely workable & solidly customizable setting, a cast of great NPC's, solid drumming of the setting adventure hooks & places, good pacing for easy reading, & a very approachable setting for adventures.
Take a look for example the Half Troll race ;
"Half Trolls:
Half trolls are perhaps the most pitiable race in all of Abbernoth. They are creatures descended from both humans and trolls, most often a forced union imposed upon a human slave, though others are born from rape. In either case these poor offspring are forced to live on the edge of society, little cared for by humans, trolls, or anyone else. In the Westerlands half trolls find themselves afforded varying degrees of acceptance, from cautious suspicion by the folk of the Abberlands, to persecution and outright hatred by the folk of Calderland. Those half trolls who are raised in Xax-Gro-Mar, the ancestral lands of the trolls, find their lives aren’t much easier; to trolls these half breed offspring are not as strong, skilled, or courageous as a full blooded troll and find themselves constantly needing to prove their worth to their warlord and clans in order to survive. In either case half trolls tend to be a dispirited and bitter lot, who keep to themselves and are often prone to violent and intense mood swings. Half trolls typically keep few friends or allies and live in constant fear and suspicion of those around them. The social stigma encountered throughout their lives coupled with the might and bellicosity of trolls and the competitiveness of humans make half trolls audacious and relentless combatants. Physically half trolls are massive creatures by human standards standing between 6 ½ and 7 ½ feet tall with the strength and resilience granted to them by the troll blood in their veins. Regardless their size and impressive physique half trolls combine the worst physical traits of both men and trolls, often having thick necks and large hooking noses, rough cracking flesh, massive jawlines, and deep, receded brows. Their bodies are more often than not covered in thick wiry fur and most male half trolls tend to wear gruff, gnarly beards to better hide their wholly unpleasant features. Half troll flesh varies a great deal, with some having skin that closely resembles their human parent; albeit dry and leathery to the touch. Others will have the mottled complexion typical to full blood trolls. Like their flesh tone, half troll eyes run the gamut from the natural colours common to men all the way to the sanguine, wine coloured eyes that trolls possess. Half trolls who are closer to their human lineage typically do not possess true claws though their nails are exceptionally thick and grow swiftly, nor do they grow horns typical to full blood trolls. Half trolls whose blood runs in line with their troll lineage do however grow claws sufficient enough to use as weapons as well as minor horns, though nothing like those grown by their full blooded kin. All half trolls possess, to some degree, a preternatural regeneration rate and are able to suffer gruesome wounds that would kill a lesser creature or in some cases even regrow lost limbs.
Racial Traits and Abilities: The mixed lineage of half trolls affects the specific traits that a half troll inherits; Players choose to have either their human or troll ancestry to be dominant. Racial abilities and modifiers are based on the chosen lineage.
All half trolls possess the following two abilities:
Darkvision: In a similar manner to dwarves, half trolls can see in complete darkness up to 60 feet. Darkvision produces images that are in shades of grey, but it is otherwise like normal sight. Half trolls can function well with no light at all. Bright lights, such as from a lantern or other light source, spoil darkvision. A half troll requires one turn to adjust his or her eyes when a light source is extinguished before gaining for use of darkvision. Enhanced Sense of Smell: This ability allows half trolls to detect the presence, but not specific location, of creatures within 30 feet or within 60 feet if the creature is upwind. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice those ranges. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk, can be detected at three times these ranges. If a half troll becomes familiar with an individual, he can learn the individual’s scent and recognize it. It should further be noted that false, powerful odours can easily mask other scents and completely spoil this ability.
Half trolls of human lineage possess these abilities:
Attribute Modification: +1 Constitution, +1 Strength, -2 Charisma Racial Stigma: Due to the natural distrust half trolls are afforded by other races they gain a -2 charisma modifier when dealing with other races which is increased to a -4 when dealing with humans. Regeneration: Half Trolls of human lineage possess a preternatural vitality which allows them to heal at a significantly increased rate. Half trolls regenerate at a rate of 1/2 hit point per turn, and will eventually regenerate lost limbs and organs. Half trolls must still make a constitution save if poisoned, as the poison will simply keep killing the half troll over and over again until the toxin is removed. This ability is continuously active. Subdual (non-lethal) damage heals at a rate of 1 point of damage every round. Acid, fire, or similar damage cannot be regenerated.
Half trolls of troll lineage possess these abilities:
Attribute Modification: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -4 Charisma Claws: Half trolls of troll lineage are able to grow thick, sharp claws which may be used as a weapon in melee. A half troll’s claws deal 1d4 damage and the half troll and is considered proficient in their use and does not suffer the usual penalties for fighting with an offhand weapon. These advantages only apply if a half troll is fighting without a weapon in either hand, if a half troll wishes to use one of his claws while fighting with a single handed weapon the normal offhand penalties apply. Racial Intolerance: Due to the intolerance and prejudice half trolls are afforded by other races they gain a -4 charisma modifier when dealing with members of other races which is reduced to a -2 charisma modifier when dealing with full blooded trolls. Regeneration: Half Trolls of troll lineage possess a preternatural vitality which allows them to heal at a significantly increased rate even compared to half trolls of human lineage. Half trolls regenerate at a rate of 1 hit point per turn, and will eventually regenerate lost limbs and organs. Half trolls must still make a constitution save if poisoned, as the poison will simply keep killing the half troll over and over again until the toxin is removed. This ability is continuously active. Subdual (non-lethal) damage heals at a rate of 1 point of damage every round. Acid, fire, or similar damage cannot be regenerated. Languages: Trader’s tongue, Troll Tongue, and any one of the following; Anglish, Nua Abber, Low Gothic, Slavlimba, or Chysgoda Balog Size: Medium Movement: 30 feet Typical Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Assassin, Cleric, Fighter/Assassin Ranger Modifiers: +2 Track "
All of this style of high fantasy material is geared around the Westerlands. The solid flow the campaign world writing makes the Abbernoth Campaign Setting a snap to use. The material here is highly put together with some solid campaign add ons & additions. The new map I really like & it makes adding the Abbernoth Campaign Setting to an existing campaign a breeze.

The updated material really sings & cries out for a DM to take it too the next level of play. With the Abbernoth Campaign Setting & the C&C Player's Guide at the Troll Lord Games stores free then you are literally ready to go play!
I feel that the Abbernoth Campaign Setting is wort your time & efforts to down load & play. Its got everything that a DM needs to bring their own adventures to life in the Westerlands & the land of Calderlands!
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