Sunday, March 23, 2025

OSR Commentary On Stormbringer's Rpg Chaos Lord - Arioch Blood and Souls For The Lord of the Seven Darks

 "Arioch is one of the most powerful of the Dukes of Hell. He has many titles and nicknames including Knight of the Swords, Lord of the Higher Hell, and  Lord of the Seven Darks."

We deal with Arioch several times and none of them for good during our Stormbringer rpg campaign. The first time was when we recovered a magic sword from a Melnibonean tomb & the Chaos god appeared to chastise  our party. According to the wiki entry on the Biblical name of Arioch;"Arioch was a name for a fictional demon, and also appears as the name of a demon in many grimoires. Arioch is also named in John Milton's Paradise Lost (vi. 371.) as one of the fallen angels under Satan's command." We were able to get away from the Chaos lord by paying tribute to him with the sacrifice of one of the tomb's guards. The second time we paid the price when we were dealing with a sorcerer from Pan Tangian in charge of a group of pirates. This time Arioch took one of our party as a compensation. 

 Arioch has many aspects that made us suspect that he might actually be Beelzebub Lord of the Flies, according to the Beelzebub wiki entry; "Beelzebub is commonly described as placed high in Hell's hierarchy. According to the stories of the 16th-century occultist Johann Weyer, Beelzebub led a successful revolt against the Devil,[26]  is the chief lieutenant of  Lucifer, the Emperor of Hell, and presides over the Order of the Fly." 
The third encounter with Arioch was in a point of Limbo when we crossed over into the 14th century in a quest to find an artifact of Law. We crossed into Limbo to get to the temple of the Fallen. There we came into conflict with Count Jagged of Caledonia. According to the Michael Moorcock multiverse wiki; "Lord Jagged of Canaria is a Denizen of the End of Time. He is a friend to Jherek Carnelian and engineered Jherek's falling in love with Mrs. Amelia Underwood. Jagged is described as being almost white in his paleness, with near colourless eyes and hair and extravagent costumes usually featuring a high, padded collar. He once took the form of Arioch, and it has been hinted that they are one and the same." They were one and the same when Jagged turned into Arioch and our party almost died. 
The thing that saved our bacon was the fact that a Saint of Law came into conflict with Arioch. We fled in the meantime. And crossed into Limbo once again to get back to the Young Kingdoms. 
We were able to get the artifact to our patron who then gave us a singularity engine to get our planar ship back into the Million Spheres. 
Our own issue with the Young Kingdom was the growing influence of Chaos and the Pan Tangians. We found that Arioch was able to manifest without being called in the Young Kingdoms! We fled after leaving him to a temple of Law's refugees.  The Million Spheres awaited us and we left the Young Kingdoms behind. Just as the Young Kingdoms submitted to Chaos itself. 

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