Friday, March 14, 2025

Dangerous Beginnings - Darker Tides of Chaos - Oceans of Eternity of Karl Edward Wagner's Kane & The Stormbringer rpg

  So how did our party eventually end up at the End of Time or one of it's timelines?! Well that goes back to the fact that our party ended up together aboard a Pan Tangian slaver galley. These were sent all over the Young Kingdoms collecting workers ie slaves for the massive Pan Tangian machine. This is the beginning of our Stormbringer rpg campaign that came from here on the blog. 

We were each captured by Pan Tangian pirates & raiders. Ended up in irons, & down in the hold of a Pan Tangian sloop on it's way to the main country. Our party escaped when they went for supplies at a neighboring country sea port. 

We had one shot to break free & steal away during the night. These circumstances that we found ourselves enabled us to sign up with a mercenary outfit. And we targeted the Pan Tangian interests every time we could. 
According to the Sorcerers of Pan Tang wiki entry;"Shannon Appelcline noted how after the fourth edition of Stormbringer was published, "the best books to date for the line were produced first by Keith Herber, then by Mark Morrison. They consisted of thick, well-written books of background, such as Sorcerers of Pan Tang (1991) and colourful adventures, such as Rogue Mistress (1991)." This book delivers the Pan Tang island in colourful and dangerous detail.
We made contact with a dark red bearded sea captain with whom we signed on. This sea captain backed down the Pan Tangians on our party's behalf. That sea captain was Karl Edgar Wanger's Kane! 

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