Monday, March 25, 2024

Manufactured Mutants - Adding in The 2d6 Details into Hostile's Colony Earth Using Other 2d6 Resources

 Mutation in Cepheus Engine & Hostile has been on my mind lately because of rereading Dragon magazine issue 109 May 1986 which contains in the Ares section  'The Double Helix Connection  Mutants In Traveller Gaming  " By Michael Brown. We've got artificial mutant breeds that have been produced on Earth to help with the ecological collapse. These are self sustaining breeds of mankind. And yes, we're revisiting these themes from here on the blog.

Earth's mega corporations are primed to create artificial mutant strains, copyright & trademark such breeds, and then bring these breeds to term. These are completely different then the proles that are produced for extra solar colonies. 
These strains are produced to work in, clean up, and live in the Hellish conditions of post ecological collapse America and Europe. They are mutations designed to withstand the harshest enviroments that Earth has to offer. 
Why? Why would megacorporations produce such entities?! Simple really and that is that they get to over the long term see the experimentation of such mutants live in thier own laboratories of toxic enviroments. 
Imagine if you will that over the long haul these breeds of mutated mankind allow the mega corporations to set up long haul colonies. These colonies allow the mega corporations to literally own thier own workers right down to the skin on thier backs. 
Dragon magazine issue 109 May 1986 which contains in the Ares section  'The Double Helix Connection  Mutants In Traveller Gaming  " By Michael Brown has the perfect collection of guidelines and rules for introducing such mutated humanity to Hostile's Earth. 

Copyrighted mutated humanity could be excellent for long term colony worlds for the megacorporations. The ground work for this is being laided on by the megacorporations. These allow the corporations to claim whole worlds. And given the propensity for the worlds of Hostile to be incredibly varied. 
Designing mutations and colony compatibility is a science unto itself. But the crapshoot comes with the genetic defects that come with tempering with genes. 
Some of these genes could be crippling to the mutant strain. However because we're talking about generational mutaions. When we're dealing with generational gene mutation designed to deal with other worldly conditions. Then we're talking about long term designs that can play across generations. And dealing with high speed computer mathmatical models of these species of humanity. What about animal kind?! Afterday has a great 2d6 blend into itself to help to blow out some of Hostile Earth's colonial details. 

Why because of the fact that Afterday represents the colonies that were first put into space during the events of the early part of the Second Recession. 
And this goes right along with Hostile's timeline. Reading through it reveals levels of danger and reckless corporate ventures of exploration. Afterday represents those ventures in spades as failed colonies and even Earthside ecological collapse. 
The events surrounding such collapse extend to technology and even artifacts. Artifacts that link to a higher level of technology that is invaluable to the corporations. 

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