Thursday, March 14, 2024

Don't Lose Your Head - Adapting Jospeh Mohr's Redemption Adventure to the Hostile Rpg

 "The Traveler(s) are summoned by messenger to speak with a discrete gentleman on a matter of utmost importance. He would prefer, for reasons which will become apparent later, to speak privately on this matter at the earliest convenience."

"He is Navy Commander Hut’Nur of the Olonsean Naval Intelligence Service. He has a mission of a delicate nature which he needs someone of your unique skills. He needs someone not affiliated with the Olonsean government or military to perform a rescue operation."

"While the Olonseans are not yet currently at war with the Ilsunsi Directorate just about everyone in the Sonora sector can see the handwriting on the wall. Hostilities are imminent. Both sides have been building up naval and land forces with the expectation of an all out shooting war beginning soon."

"Recently an Olonsean Army General disappeared. Whether he has defected, or has been snatched by the Ilsunsi, is not yet known. What is known, however, is that he has extensive knowledge of Olonsean military capabilities and plans. He is a decorated veteran of many previous military campaigns and is believed to be loyal to the Empire. But the Olonsean Government can not afford to take chances. They need this General to be “rescued” and brought back home again....for interrogation...."

So over the last twenty four hours I've been thinking about dealing with Hostile's Colony War  title. Back during the Second Recession there were two successful colonies The Olonseans and the Ilsuni Directorate colonies. These colonies are now at now at each other's throats because of recent events on Tau Ceti. Because of the growing tensions in the Solomons colony interests are heating up. This is where Redemption by Joseph Mohr comes into play.  The Olonseans are backed by Chinese corporate money which is the same as backing it with Chinese military assets. The PC's are going to be an extration team made up of some of the worst scum that the South Asain Orbital Prisons have to offer. The Ilsuni Directorate is of course a puppet colony with Tharis Heavy Industries at the wheel. 

The prisoner's will be doing the extraction with a nanoneural bomb implanted in thier necks. Failure will result in a head parting company with it's neck if the mission isn't done in seventy two hours. The PC's are of course from  Zaibatsu and in the survivors will be taken into the September group of Russian mercenaries aka the Сентябрьская группа.

According to Redemption; "Olonsean intelligence forces have determined that he is being held on world known as Gumoran which is just beyond the borders of the Sonora sector. This world is a sparsely populated agricultural world off the beaten path. It has always been an independent world but many affluent individuals in the sector own large estates on this world. It generally has been considered sort of a retreat for the rich and famous of the sector who want to get away from it all. The general is believed to be held at an estate of a wealthy corporate officer of the Purgatory Corporation. This estate is believed to be guarded by at least a company of soldiers if not more. The Olonsean government does not wish to start the war just yet. They would prefer someone not linked to them to perform this mission and bring the general home." 
The PC's are going to go into cold storage for the voyage to Gumoran for 6 years. And then the countdown picks up right from when thier thawed out. Gumoran is a corporate retreat world with connections to the Purgatory corporation. The Purgatory corporation is going to be a secondary side quest with them taping and selling information gleaned from the dreams of thier clients and then being sold on. The information is being stored in the cyberspace cloud of Gumoran. Meanwhile the general is being bled by the Purgatory corporation and it's taken it's toil;" The general is no longer in his right state of mind. The torture and abuse at the hands of the Ilsunsi have brought him to the breaking point." 
 Olonsean government wants to brain wipe him and then reprogram him as a double agent before turning him back to  the Ilsuni Directorate. The Olonseans & the Isuni Directorate colonies have been dancing around each other for the past 9 years. 

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