It's been a long while since I've done anthing with our Clark Ashton Smith Zothique Castles & Crusades campaign. A friend and fellow player wants together together over the weekend & pick up with our Zothique campaign in a minor kingdom around the region of Zul-Bha-Sair. We've definitely had our times around that region wayback in January of 2024. My friend Mark Taormino has a new Kickstarter for his OSR imprint Dark Wizard Games. And I'm thinking of incorporating Mark's Dark Wizard Adventure Slime Pits of the Sewer Witch our Clark Ashton Smith's Zothique Castles & Crusades campaign. Here's how we do it.
Rodney Mathews artwork used without permission
""Take heed lest you utter blasphemy," admonished the innkeeper. "Mordiggian is old and omnipotent as death. He was worshipped in former continents, before the lifting of Zothique from out the sea. Through him, we are saved from corruption and the worm. Even as the people of other places devote their dead to the consuming flame, so we of Zul-Bha-Sair deliver ours to the god. Awful is the fane, a place of terror and obscure shadow untrod by the sun, into which the dead are borne by his priests and are laid on a vast table of stone to await his coming from the nether vault in which he dwells. No living men, other than the priests, have ever beheld him; and the faces of the priests are hidden behind masks of silver, and even their hands are shrouded, that men may not gaze on them that have seen Mordiggian."" The Carnel God By Clark Ashton Smith
So right off the bat the town of Sudengrove becomes a smaller kingdom of Zul-Bha-Sair. And here's where the addenture plot thickens;
" The small town of Sudengrove has a big problem: something lurking in the underground sewers has been causing the disappearance of many men, women, and even children during the night! The locals have assembled a team of heroes to venture into the treacherous Slime Pits to unravel the mysteries, deadly traps, and the nefarious plans of the foul creatures that hide within. Lurking deep within the murky labyrinth, your ultimate challenge awaits: a battle against the malevolent sewer witch herself, Hagatha Toadsludge! Filthy riches await those who dare to challenge and survive the Slime Pits of the Sewer Witch!"

The issue is going to arrise with Hagatha Toadsludge & her victims because while the Ghoul god cares not whose killed. The dead literally belong to him and undead are an abomination to the cult of Mordiggian. Undead sure are tasty! Technically the PC's could be hired by the temples of Mordiggian to clear out the Sewer Witch. The Sewer Witch might be tolerated for a time until the cult has had it with people going missings.
Preadventures involving the Sewer Witch might have her moving into the area bringing goblin minions with her. The PC's get hired by a town or the temple to clear her out. She seems destroyed only to move bases into a nearby area. When we reach the events of Mini adventure #2 she's violated the covenant between the humans and the Greater Ghouls by experimenting on the local populace. This comes on the heels of increasing goblin attacks in the area
Then things get much more dire as the PC's get thier noses deep with the affairs of the Sewer Witch. And then things are going to go from bad to worse. Maximum Mayhem Dungeons - Mini Adventure #2: Slime Pits of the Sewer Witch is going to pick right up from the events of the pre adventure meeting with the Slime Witch and then all Hell is going to break loose. You can support the Kickstarter right here.
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