Sunday, August 11, 2024

Wolf in The Fold - Wretched Darkness Session Report With 'The Pundit Files Invisible College: the 1930's Campaign'. Session Report

 A couple of months ago we had a Wretched Darkness second edition game mini campaign set in the Wretched Interbellum period. We were using Wretched Darkness second edition for our PC's who had been transported to pre WWII California. This followed on the heels of Wretched Armageddon Volume I: War I in which the PC's were on the heels of the cult that was opening the seals of the Revelation. 

We were in the middle of California and now that game has picked up right where we left off here way back in June. We journeyed deep into the night with guns, ammo, and more ready to deal with the cult that had stranged our party in the 30's. Now we're on our way to a nearby ranch/safehouse of this blood thirsty cult. Several young and very pretty women have gone missing in the deserts of California. This is the section of the state no one really talks about. 
As we approach the ranch we see the sentry over the bluff standing watch armed. We don't care and let loose Arthur who changes into the beast as soon as the moon hits the car. The doors open and he leaps out. We don't slow down as the man's strangled scream doesn't come but his shape disappears. 
We sneak in on the Five's location (The Five are actually incubi that have aligned themselves with the powers of Hell). We don't bother with the outer guards and move in on the other's location. 

Arthur dispatches guards left and right as the werebeast takes out whatever gets in his way. The violence of his attacks shocks the guards. As Nuna's bargain with the minor demons paves our way with silence. The ritual has been a success but the cost was high but her Invisible College contacts proved just the right mystical information. 

 The cost of several thousand dollars was worth our time. But the promise of the victim's souls is far more then Nuna bargained for. Still all in the costs and wages of sin. Victor our man of act slits the throats of several guards but then he is hit with the hooked chains. 
This alerts 'The Five' & this is when all Hell breaks loose. Literally as Hellfire flares around our party and we're confronted by one of the Incubi who transforms into his full demonic form! We've got a few things with ready with conjurers waiting in the wings. That is until one of our players fumbles her roll and has psychotic break in the middle of melee. 
And now we've got to improvise! Fortunately we've brought a few grenades to liven things up! We tear the crap out of the Incubi's mortal form and he's banished back to the pits of the Beyond where he crawled out of. We free the ladies after helping ourselves to the treasure of 'The Five'. This operation isn't a charity and we don't take Green Stamps. 

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