Friday, August 23, 2024

OSR Commentary - Marvel Super Heroes Advanced rpg & MX1 Nightmares of Future Past By Steve Winter

 "Picture, if you will, a world gone insane. A world where you cannot attend school, buy food or clothing, or even walk down the street without risking capture of imprisonment. Add to that picture, if you can, the specter of giant, killing robots programmed to hunt down and destroy you and everyone like you.This is the world waiting for you in Nightmares of Futures Past. Mutants have been declared outlaws and enemies, stripped of their constitutional rights, and condemned to quick death in battle or slow death in concentration camps. The heroes of our time are gone, either killed fighting oppression, stripped of their powers and locked away, or hiding in shadows…"

Marvel Super Heroes Advanced rpg has a ton of good and solid memories for me back in the 90's. There was one set of adventures that caused two TPK's. This was where we as a group of players proved our mettle. MX1 Days of Future Past is a very popular campaign and one of the foundational classic Marvel storylines for the X-Men & Marvel super heroes in general. 

MX1 Nightmares of Future Past by Steve Winter is only a thirty two page module but as an over arching campaign it's absolutely free roaming. According to's October 1998 Amazon review; "This set of rules is incredible I have used it many times. It presents a world where the characters have full control. There is no set story, but the book helps to setup different ideas in the GM's head. A must have for anyone who's tired of the same old boring campaigns but likes to have a nice set of rules to work with." 
MX1 Nightmares of Future Past can be set in your own hometown & the events can have an impact on your own hometown. The Sentinels take over the world and suddenly your own hometown is caught in the middle of events. For us it was the fact our DM made our hometown a Sentinel repair node and storage facility for the Eastern sea board. Heroes by the score were killed from Boston to Florida and thier uniform colours were  worn by the Sentinels adding insult to injury. 
How does this relate to the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced rpg? Marvel Super Heroes Advanced allows you as the player to generate the heroes you want as a PC. The system if it's properly worked with really takes full advantage of it's D100 roots & this customization really shines through. The MX series of modules however are brutal. And these modules play for keeps! My uncle was a brutal DM & we cameback for more. 
Make no mistake we've played through MX1  seven  times & we've gotten to this alternative timeline in countless ways. Messing with cosmic artifacts was one, another exiting a time/space gateway, accidently killing a timetraveller was another, etc. Each time we ended up back in Days of Future past where we were kicking behind on Sentinels. Which almost always seemed to catch up to our PC's?! 

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