Sunday, October 6, 2024

OSR Commentary On The Darker Rpg By The Red Room Crew

 My Red Room Wretched rpg campaign dried up several weeks ago due to scheduling conflicts with two of my players who are long haul truck drivers. That's scheduling conflict has changed & the second thing that's changed is the fact that all of the players are on board. 

The third thing that's changed is that I now have a 'working copy' of the Darker rpg to use at the table top level. The Darker rpg clicks almost all of my my boxes; "Darker is a contemporary mature horror RPG, OSR-compatible, challenging you to confront themes of faith, morality, and the human condition amidst escalating supernatural peril. Face the true nature of Good and Evil, moral erosion, and humanity’s decline, investigate modern-day horrors hidden behind a façade of normalcy and tackle contemporary issues like corporate power, ideological grooming, and the erosion of traditional values."  Darker rpg 'Red rpg system is kinda close to a B/X Dungeons & Dragons that's been expanded. 
The basic themes of Darker is that God is gone & no one sits on Heaven's Throne. Monsters & demons roam the Earth taking victims at will.  Spirits & gods carved out the planes of Heavens into their own planes. The various occult  factions of Earth are carving humanity up like a Christmas turkeys. Here come the PC's as do gooders & anti heroes just as creepy and dangerous as the foes they face. 
In our own Darker rpg campaign we had a local Tempus Fugit cult has been abducting children & offering them to the Machinatores. The cult's cybermancer's have been opening a portal under the direction of the Machinatores.. All of this is taking place in a rundown tenament building in New York.This portal connects both New York City and Avilidad with a fascimile of the building existing in both places because of the portal. This allows travel between the two places. 
The Machinatores are taking the kids for an unknown purpose while showering the cult with high end technology. Within the building are two laboratories within the tenament to try and analize them. 
The Machinatores guard thier portal with Scarri black monsterous asssassins. These assassins are used as terror weapons against the cult's enemies. The Machinatores are breaking down the local space time continuum & reality anchors to allow the Underworld to gain a foot hold. The PC's have been called in by the parents of one of the missing kids because they fear something sinister is happening. 

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