Wednesday, September 4, 2024

OSR Review of Modern War: Crisis Creator By Martin Proctor, & Paul Elliott The Modern War Rpg & Cepheus Engine Rpg's.

 "Crisis Creator gives you the tools to create fictional countries set in the modern world, and then helps you plunge them into crisis. These small, fictional nations are the perfect backdrop for a Modern War campaign, free from the complications of Real World horrors and politics. Create your country, give it a security crisis, and then invite your players to form the squad of a Western power, invited in to support one side or another. "

"Caught up in this crisis, your players will have to face difficult choices and great danger as they try to complete the missions which have been set for them." 

 Crisis Creator is the type of supplement for  Modern War that you don't think you'd need as a DM. Then you get a copy & wonder where it's been all your life?! This book is the crisis point generator for Modern War and yet it has so many other uses as well. Clocking in at ninety three pages Crisis Creator can brew up hot spots, blow ups, and well crisises for your Modern War rpg and Cepheus Engine based Rpg campaigns.
Crisis Creator builds on many of the tools laid down in 
 Modern War & because of this Crisis Creator is an excellent tool set for the Hostile rpg. You can create your fictional country & the crisis that it's suffering from. And then map out the mission that your squad can take on. The editing, layout, and over all feel of Crisis Creator is up to the usual Zozer Games standard.
Crisis Creator also has rules for insurgancy counter war rules including aircraft and more. This allows all aspects of the crisises to be played out. There are also solo rules for using Crisis Creator as an abstract solo rpg. These rules can be used with any Modern rpg or supplement for Modern rpg. 
But is Crisis Creator any good and has it as an rpg supplement any ultility?! In a word oh yes! Crisis Creator is a perfect tool box to create your own fictional country, crisis, circumstances surrounding the crisis and missions. 
Crisis Creator is also incredibly useful for Hostile especially Hostile's Dirty Wars mercenary company supplement. Take Crisis Creator create your fictional country/colony, then crisis, followed up with your mercenary company coming in to mop up the colony issue. 

Crisis Creator is another excellent Zozer supplement that can bring the pain and rain to your Modern War or Hostile rpg campaign. The engines and systems within Crisis Creator far out weigh the material in question. 

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