Monday, September 16, 2024

Hostile Rpg Campaign & The Edge Of The Galaxy -

 Several months ago, I dropped a hint into our on going Hostile campaign that there were alien artifacts left behind by ancient alien civilations. You can forget the run of the mill stock Science Fiction abandoned cities. 

No instead I started to think about really unusual alien hyperspace  gateways that were scattered throughout the greater area of our own solar system. These gateways connect to the outer arm of our own galaxy from our own solar system. 
What was left behind out on the edge of the galaxy are artifacts that defy explaination. Hyperspacial constructions &  spheres that can blast the sanity of anyone dumb enough to mess with them. HG Giger inspired bio mechanical worlds whose purpose is completely unknown and yet still continues to function & run. 

Artwork by HG Giger used without permission. 

There are worldlets left behind floating in artificial orbits that continue to explore, manufacture,etc. all for unknown purposes. There are lifeforms that are completely immicial to humanity and yet we have no clue as to thier makers or purposes.  Hyperspacial gateways that lead to God knows where and these are coupled with time travel animolies that can dissect a person's personal time spacial line separating the person into multiple timelines that they experience all at once. These are some of the ideas that I've been cooking up in the background of our Hostile campaign. 

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