Tuesday, August 22, 2023

S7 Stains Upon The Green, Adventurer, Conqueror, King Rpg, & the Borderlands Campaign - The Sinister Stone of Sakkara

 Sometimes one has to come at a campaign ass backwards. And in this case it's with "The Sinister Stone of Sakkara" By  Matthew Skail, & Alexander Macris. And this picks up from here on the blog. Clocking in at eighty pages AX1 The Sinister Stone of Sakkara is an introductory adventure for the Adventurer,Conqueror, King system hearkening back to classic TSR era B/X adventures such as Keep of The Borderlands.

And it's this connection that conerns us as players & DM's. There's a threat of the Lovecraftian within the "The Sinister Stone of Sakkara" that harkens around the cults of Chaos. These cults have been spreading across the world without mercy or end. There's been little to stop the corruption or the Chaos. 
Chaos grows unchecked without pattern or rhyme or so it seems and yet if we look deeper;"For over a century, the stronghold of Türos Tem has guarded the borderlands from the beastmen of the wild lands beyond. Now, despite the ever-watchful eye of Türos Tem’s guards, beastmen raiders have somehow gained a foothold in the Viaspen Forest to the north, from which they have begun striking at the nearby settlements. Local farms and hamlets have been sacked and pillaged, and entire families have gone missing." 
Chaos itself is centered on destroying the pseudo-Roman empire keep in an Ancient Egyptian/Mesopotamian culture that they have yet conquer. And the keep itself in 
"The Sinister Stone of Sakkara" can serve as a microcosmic reflection of the themes of the decline of the Dwarves within "Stains upon the Green". 

But there's a doorway between the keeps & the power of civilization represented by the PC's through the 'Rings of Brass';" Rings of Brass, magical portals that lead to dwarven roads carved through the planes. It is specifically designed for use in bridging the Lands of Ursal in Aihrde with the Free City of Eskadia in the Haunted Highlands." And it's through the 'Rings of Brass' that the PC's are going to win! How?! 

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