"In the sordid underbelly of the galaxy, only the crafty and callous survive. Wretched Space is an OSR RPG where you don’t play as heroes on a noble crusade, but rather as roguish anti-heroes just looking to get by in a harsh universe. You aren’t out to save the world – you’re out to save your own skin. And maybe make some credits along the way if opportunity knocks. This game revels in greyness of morality, where doing the right thing takes a backseat to doing what needs to be done. Idealism is a luxury you can’t afford out here."

"This book contains a setting, the space opera version of the Wretchedverse, and plenty of ideas for you to come up with new worlds. To be true to the Wretched spirit, the default setting casts the players as members of the Wretched Legion, a special corps of the Galactic Federation law enforcement made up of pardoned criminals given an old, battered starship and second-rate weaponry, and deployed to enforce the law on backwater worlds. If this prospect doesn’t appeal to you, there’s a whole universe of wretchedness out there…"
The 'Epic' ended up in the Visitor's Commerical Empire sector. This sector has a bunch of former client races within it including several tribes of Space Elves, Reptilians, Dwarves, and a boat load of former human tribes that haven't existed on Earth for thousands of years.
These races were until recently enslaved by the Grey Masters.
Within the last 20 years there's been a bloody rebellion and war within the Visiter's Commerical Empire.
What no one realizes is that the Greys have a secret and its the fact that it wasn't the rebellion that brought down thier empire.
Nope it was far more nasty. Something from outside the Grey's universe had begun to take over the Grey race.
The Grey's suddenly began bringing in outside mercenary forces as thier empire imploded from within. Terms were quickly reached with thier former 'slave stock races' to help bolster.
The 'Invaders' have been summoning things from the Beyond to help further destabilize the 'Commerical Empire' further.
As the 'Epic' was refueling & several refuel station employees came aboard the starship to speak with the PC's. The employees told the PC's with a job of clearing out a 'space hulk' that had entered the local system. The Greys also shared the fact that a cell of the Invaders had landed aboard the 'Hercules' space hulk. The PC's were given a stipen to purchase weapons and equipment as well as a 10,000 credit retainer.
So what's actually going on here?! Well a week or so ago I bought a copy of Night Owl Worshop's Loathsome Horrors. So the invaders have summoned something rather nasty aboard the 'Hercules'. The question is what else is aboard the 'space hulk' and waiting?!
So what's actually going on here?! Well a week or so ago I bought a copy of Night Owl Worshop's Loathsome Horrors. So the invaders have summoned something rather nasty aboard the 'Hercules'. The question is what else is aboard the 'space hulk' and waiting?!
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