Skyships are nothing new in the skies of Greyhawk & Mystara but these worlds don't have as high an arcane index as Calidar. Mystara is still on the trading routes of Calidar as far as the OSR dungeon masters are concerned.
'In 2012 and 2013 Bruce Heard wonderfully detailed in his blog almost all the Alphatian Kingdoms, from Arogansa in the south to Frisland in the far north, including coats of arms, maps and adventure ideas, making them much more detailed and interesting places for adventurers.'
'It’s hard
to describe Calidar in just a few sentences as the setting is
wonderfully rich with original themes and distinctive features. It’s
not just a world, but a whole solar system, the Soltan Ephemeris,
where different cultures interact and clash. It has magical flying
ships, but the magic power to travel between worlds is not cheap, and
the competition to acquire it is fierce. It has a central world, the
namesake Calidar, with a few developed nations and a huge expanse of
wild lands, where the World Soul of the planet is ready to react with
hostility to any exploitation. It has, indeed, living planets with
complex ecologies. It has dragons, obviously, and draconic knights
serving them and eager to conquer new worlds and lands. It has
steampunk dwarves and imperial elves, gnomes with a special
connection to the natural world and savage halflings called fellfolk,
who in some places have embraced the gifts of civilization. It has
humanoids, who come periodically from the alien world of Ghüle
to raid and take prisoners for their dark gods. It has heroes, who
can literally become immortals and even gods, if they are able to
earn a lasting fame.
And, as it seems
from the previews of Beyond the Skies, the whole Ephemeris and
the gods have to face a terrible menace from another universe.'
From the article 'From Alphatia to Calidar'
by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue 11
From the article 'From Alphatia to Calidar'
by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue 11
Could this menace of evil be the same one that we've seen time & again over the years of reading Blackmoor, Mystara, & Greyhawk products?! I think so but the fact is that Calidar's system has the Vortex.
'the important feature of Calidar which is particularly relevant for the scope of this article is the Vortex. A mysterious and unexplained tear in the fabric of time and space, the Vortex is a strange phenomenon that often brings into the Calidar universe people and flying ships from many other places. Often, the people who experience this passage have their memories altered, and can no longer remember the place from which they came.
'the important feature of Calidar which is particularly relevant for the scope of this article is the Vortex. A mysterious and unexplained tear in the fabric of time and space, the Vortex is a strange phenomenon that often brings into the Calidar universe people and flying ships from many other places. Often, the people who experience this passage have their memories altered, and can no longer remember the place from which they came.
In the setting,
this is obviously the perfect excuse to bring to Calidar player
characters created for other settings, and also a way to explain why
some Calidaran cultures, as also happened in Mystara, closely
resemble some cultures of our real world.'
This is literally a cancerous planar gateway right under the collective noses of the champions, gods, demons, & heroes of Calidar.
You can bet your bottom dollar that Greyhawk's wizards & kingdoms have been sending sky ships across the dimensional threshold. But it also means that the evils of both Mystara & Greyhawk could come to plague Calidar;
You can bet your bottom dollar that Greyhawk's wizards & kingdoms have been sending sky ships across the dimensional threshold. But it also means that the evils of both Mystara & Greyhawk could come to plague Calidar;
'And besides the
above canon Vortex, Bruce recently detailed another one, complete
with its wormhole, which also could become a gate to Calidar, in the
Kingdom of Floating Ar6
in Alphatia.
It’s up to
each DM to decide how Mystaran Immortals, or even the Old Ones, may
react to a skyship returning from the Vortex. If left alone, such a
vessel could report back to the Mystaran empire from whence it came,
and Alphatia (or Thyatis) could decide to fund further explorations
of the Calidar universe, at least if they are able to locate a spot
where the Vortex occasionally appears.
It’s also
worth noting that in the Poor Wizard’s Almanacs by Ann
Dupuis an Immortal named Gareth began proselytizing in Sind from the
Mystaran Year 1010 AC, saying to his followers he had “returned
from the Vortex”. The common interpretation in the community
has always been that Gareth should be Benekander, the new Immortal
created during the Wrath of the Immortals adventures, but what
if he is instead someone who came from Calidar?'
The horrors of The Wraith of the Immortals are bad enough but what of the more dangerous cancers let loose by the events of the Temple of Elemental Evil?! Don't think it could happen? Think again, back about 2013 a thread appeared on
The Piazza forum titled The Elemental Evil in Mystara
The horrors of The Wraith of the Immortals are bad enough but what of the more dangerous cancers let loose by the events of the Temple of Elemental Evil?! Don't think it could happen? Think again, back about 2013 a thread appeared on
The Piazza forum titled The Elemental Evil in Mystara

This thread provides an entire setting, notes, etc for the players & their dungeon master to bring the cancer of the Elemental Evil cult to Mystara. Last blog entry I wrote about the Froggies cult from DA2 Temple of the Frog becoming one of the primary menaces. But what if they were only the tip of the ice berg. Modules and adventures in Mystara article by Bouv

Calidar's system has been receiving visitors for centuries & its possible that a great many different OSR as well as OSR campaign settings could have interacted or left their mark on the system. I talked about using Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea's setting with Calidar in the past. The dimensional & planar cancers allow the players & DM to send their PC's over to Calidar in ancient Hyperborean sky ships which some nations might be still using. The AS&SH Kickstarter is still on going & I suggest that you check it out & support it if your so inclined.

Hyperborea Players' Manual front cover pencils by Val Semeiks
Now at first this seems like heresy using a high fantasy setting with an OSR Sword & Sorcery world. Think again because both HP Lovecraft & Clark Ashton Smith used their own dream lands worlds. To AS&SH Calidar is merely another dreamworld. Little do they release the menace lurking right out there in the Outer Darkness. But what exactly is in the Darkness Between Worlds & could it be coming for your own campaign world?! Next time we pop open that can of worms!
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