Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Street King Throw Down! - Ascendant Rpg Session Report - Capital City Casefiles #2: Served Cold By Karl Gustav- Session Report

  We had a diffferent sort of action in tonight's  Ascendant rpg campaign session. During last week's game, Plasma our resident fire user had his body gravely wounded. And we were able to get his body into a magnetic containment vessel. Things were not looking good for Plama and Dreadnaught Security, Inc. called in S.T.A.R.R. Lab specialists to handle Plama's case. 
Our party was told to get back on the case & that a lead had emerged from The Unseen Court who had witnessed the Psycho Warriors breaking into a local warehouse. 

The Unseen Court are taken from Ascendant's Served Cold By Karl Gustav with Alexander Marcus; "The Unseen Court: The Unseen Court is a group of street level heroes and crime fighters that emerged from Capital City’s homeless and transient population. Little is known about the organization, as its members are skilled at hiding in plain sight and protected by a large network of informers and supporters. Neither police, criminal, nor journalistic efforts to investigate the group have succeeded. What is known is that the Unseen Court is notoriously short on cash, with all of the organization’s funds being diverted into charitable purposes to help the city’s most needy" 
After meeting with two representives of the Unseen Court - Trash & Midnight Maiden  learned that the Psycho Warriors picked up some cargo & took off in thier high tech hover plane. The local cartel The Street Kings is incredibly upset with these invaders. 
The heroes decided to search the warehouse for clues. What they ended up finding instead was a group of cartel goons scoping out the warehouse! The party decides to head in and comes face to face with armed cartel enforcers & El Cazador, one of the deadliest El Cartel enforcers in Capital City! 
The party is down a man & still they closed in. Within seconds they were back to back with capes with powers they weren't expect. Then El Cazador gives them the following threat; "I have something to say. Listen, and listen closely. These words will not be repeated. You have been noticed. You are being watched. You are interfering in an important, natural, social process—justice, the balancing of scales. You bring your unwieldy conduct to this time of the settling of debts. No longer. Forget what you’ve found, forget who you’ve seen, pretend this never happened, or another debt will be accrued—yours. And all debts must be settled, and I am one that the true powers in this city send to settle them.”" 
The party attacked with gusto and crippled two of the Street King capes before they retreated due to an energy projector who kept them under cover we ended here. 

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